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Thread: Whining Weasel Alert

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  1. #1

    Whining Weasel Alert

    Thank you Avery. Thank you Mario. The most obvious differences between you and the weasels in the peanut gallery is that you're out there doing while they're in here whining.

    And not only are they too cowardly to put their John Hancocks to what they write -- they're also _really ungrateful_.

    The International Pro BASE Circuit (IPBC) has done a lot for the sport of BASE jumping and IPBC means Avery, Dennis and Harry.

    Those three guys made something wonderful during the last few years, and what they did will bear even more fruit as time goes on.

    Avery played a big part in that. He had many successes. He did many, many things well and he exercised wisdom more than once when others were being stupid.

    And he should be thanked and respected and appreciated for those successes -- not disparaged for mistakes that pale in comparison to what he did right, especially by someone who lacks the self-respect to stand up for his own thoughts.

    Ditto for Mario. He is essentially a lobbyist in Moab for us and his effort is very important to the process for everyone in the Moab community, not just the jumpers . He should also be thanked and supported, but in his case we have a weasel needling him with a game of "Let's Bag On The Hurt Guy."

    Very sporting of you, Weasel, but why don't you just go over to Matt's house and kick him in the leg? It would be more honest.

    Of course, without the courage to stand behind your words on this board, I imagine you'd be pretty hard-pressed to face a real live human being, even one who can't walk at the moment.

    Thanks again, gentlemen. Your efforts are appreciated.


  2. #2

    RE: Whining Weasel Alert

    I thank Avery like I thank Clinton. Both are has-been leaders whose fronts of good intentions inevitably gave way to their true colors. Both used their power to compromise the very people they once professed to work FOR, and both lied to cover it up when confronted. Now Clinton partially acknowledged his mistakes and partially apologized, eventually, but Avery...?

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