Dear NPS murderers:
A year ago at this time, Frank Gambalie III was already dead, chased to his death by rabid junior Nazis pursuing a policy promulgated by a pervert and preserved by pukes playing politics with the truth.
I hope you're proud of yourselves. Who are you going to kill next? And I might also add: Who else is going to be murdered like those four women last year, who died because you guys are so busy chasing and propagandizing on national television about BASE criminals that there's no time or resources left to actually do real law enforcement work?
And, you know, some of you are nice guys and I know you personally, but this "Vee are juss doingk ouur jobzz... vee are jusss followingk orrrderzzz" crap supposedly went out with the Third Reich.
So in honor of Frank and to cleanse your own souls, what say you start looking the other way when you see a BASE jumper, or having something more important to do when the call comes in that one has been spotted? In the real world of law enforcement, this is called "prioritization," and if your alleged superiors can't spell this word, much less understand it, then it is UP TO _YOU_.
If you do, your spot in heaven may reappear. If not, you'll probably get to join the NPS patron St. Adolph and all of his Nazi pals at that eternal weenie roast under the dirt.
See you October 22.
Robin Heid