Dear BASE Jumping Community,
My name is Gage Fellows. I am a lawyer in Denver, Colorado. My client, Hank Caylor, made a BASE jump off a downtown hotel in October. He has been charged with Reckless Endangerment. There was no trespassing involved and Denver as well as the state of Colorado have no specific laws against BASE jumping.
We are going to trial. I need help to show that BASE jumping is a safe activity for spectators. No one was hurt, aside from Hank, during his jump.
He and some friends had been jumping off this hotel every week for months.
They always jumped late at night when there was no traffic and no people in the streets below. The prosecutor is claiming that Hank was a danger to the people of Denver.
It will help me win Hank's case if I can provide statistics that there are few, if any, incidents where someone on the ground was injured by a landing jumper or something falling off of the jumper. Do you keep stats like this or know a group or individual who does? Please email me with the name and, if possible, contact information. I appreciate any information you can provide.
Also, do you know of BASE jumping equipment manufacturers, BASE jumping training centers, BASE jumping associations? If so, please email me with the name and, if possible, contact information. I appreciate any information you
can provide.
Additionally, do you know of any expert BASE jumpers who may be willing to come to Denver and testify as an expert witness about the techniques involved for BASE jumping? Preferably someone with a minimum of 100 BASE jumps. If so, please email me with the name and, if possible, contact information. I appreciate any information you can provide.
You help will benefit the public image of BASE jumping. I think we will win the trial.
Thank you for any information you can provide. Hank and I appreciate your time and aid.
Gage Fellows
130 W. Third Ave.,
Denver, CO 80223