I don't know you personally, Robin, but let me say that you have made your point. Many times. You have a right to share your opinion, as do others. Opinions have been shared, debate ensued. Let it go.
As an editorial comment, I find your personal attacks against and insults towards Dwain to be juvenile and pathetic. Let's see. . . Dwain has just under ten TIMES as many jumps under his belt as you do, not to mention currency several orders of magnitude higher than yours. Oh, but you can trash him because he ended up on the wrong side of some political tempest-in-a-teapot that seems to be primarily focused on your efforts to get paid by the Petronas organizers. They stiffed you, you slandered them here. So now attack Dwain? You aren't qualified to do so.
Finally, your suggestion that other people contact authorities in Malaysia and protest the event takes the cake as the most idiotic, short-sighted, self-important, and destructive thing I've seen in years. Good plan, little bud. Show the world that BASE is a petty, factionalized, argumentative tribe. That'll really help the cause, for sure.
. . . all because you wanted to get paid for your work and the check never arrived. Take your vendetta elsewhere. Fly to Malaysia and kick someone's ass. Sue the organizers. But don't crap in all of our nest and rub it around, just to garner attention via your nest-crapping antics.
The shotgun approach to slander just demonstrates that the assailant has aim so bad as to require ramdom assaults to hit a target, any target. If you are going to randomly pick a target, at least pick one that isn't so far out of your league. I don't give a damn if you jumped 20 years ago or not. You are old and stale now, nowhere near the sharp edge of the sport. Don't trash those who are just out of jealousy or impotence.
This whole thing sounds like it developed into a clusterfuck, and you were in charge when that happened. Take responsibility for your OWN failure to pull this thing off. I see you blaming everyone else, but not once admitting your own mistakes.
Better yet, get a life. Go jump something. Watch MTV. Eat a burger. I don't give a crap - just don't ruin access to some great objects for no reason other than a Napolean complex run amok.