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Thread: a plea for Robin

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    a plea for Robin

    Whilst never having met you Robin, I feel that something about your personality can be derived from your writing. Unfortunatly, the impression isn't positive but rather images of an embittered person are created.

    Without wanting to appear rude, can you please leave the board alone? I appreciate the opportunity of learning from the board and value the insight provided by people like Dwain when they choose to comment. Your clutterings are appreciated by few and do more to discredit any contribution you have (or imagine) to have made to the sport.

    I'd like to start a chain mail on this site and anyone who is sick of Robins whinning might simply like to add to this post with a "Go away Robin."

    Mick, can you censure this prick!

  2. #2

    RE: a plea for Robin

    Go away Robin!!!!:'(

  3. #3

    RE: a plea for Robin


    Robin...go away...

  4. #4

    RE: a plea for Robin

    would go away too!!!

  5. #5

    RE: a plea for Robin

    yeah! Robin, shut the PHUCK UP! You are making an ass of yourself and further destroying you're credibility as a professional writer. You sond like a whining weasel...

  6. #6

    RE: a plea for Robin

    Robin: You are a fine writer, and I enjoy reading your articles in Skydiving, where you are limited by editors who realize that others have something to contribute, and that you must be kept to a page or two. However, you prattle on and on here, and it gets very old very quickly. You are a smart guy; don't make yourself look like the harmless village eccentric whom everyone avoids for fear of being dragged into a two-hour discussion in which only one person is talking.
    Joe D. Lee
    Birmingham, AL

  7. #7

    RE: a plea for Robin

    Ever since I met Robin in AZ I can understand where he is coming from. He is insecure which is one reason why we have to listen to how he is responsable for everything about everything. He is also part of a dying breed (old school so. cal jumper),and is probably very bitter about it. The sport's changing boys, and you will get left behind with that nasty adittude! First you must understand, if you are an organizer of some kind in out sport, you are not GOD almighty, you are just another jumper. Robin, you are a skydiver, go be a hero out at the DZ but leave us alone.
    Any questions? Jeff

  8. #8

    RE: a plea for Robin

    Just to clarify...

    Dwain IS a friend of mine.
    Karin IS a friend of mine.
    Robin is NOT a friend of mine.
    Although I have the information to stoop to his level - I won't.
    I can't miss the first week of school or I'd be in Malaysia.
    But the main reason I'm not going is because the handsome Kiwi man of my dreams withdrew from the competition. :P

    And finally (and I can't stress this enough)...

    Robin, you need to get cable.

  9. #9

    RE: a plea for Robin

    OOOps! Sorry, broke the chain.

    Go away Robin!

  10. #10

    RE: a plea for Robin

    Robin, go away. Read sue's other post on the base board for my personal unmitigated opinion of you. This may give your analyst a head start on your treatment. You're not wanted here.

  11. #11

    RE: a plea for Robin

    rOBIN i have seen the light you are GOD. Please show os the path you are the man.There is nothing more pathetic than an older jumper that can`t accept that his time at the front has past and cant just keep jumping and having fun .What to do ? Be a contest organizer make money and to answer your question from a previous whine of yours i am happy to give my money to BR CR VERTIGO AND OTHERS who make state of the art gear and help any jumpers they meet so snap out of it you 6 fingered inbred .

    rOBIN will we see you on ricky lake .

    bsbd feral

  12. #12

    RE: a plea for Robin


    If you didn't go because your kiwi dream man withdrew, why did you pass around that emailt o your friends saying otherwise????

  13. #13

    RE: a plea for Robin

    it is very simple, donīt klick on his postsī duh!!
    why donīt you understand. why do you click on a being who pushes your buttons?

  14. #14

    RE: a plea for Robin


  15. #15

    RE: a plea for Robin

    Well, it's true I didn't want to go alone. But I would have gone alone if we could have gone from the gondola, because I've been training for that type of delay. So going alone to do the types of delays that were involved was not worth (a)getting a week behind in my nursing degree classes and (b) missing my children for 10 days.

    I'd made a BIG deal to my family about going to Malaysia. And bottom lineto why I sent that email is...

    I got a little caught up in my own image management. I'm human.

    Does that answer your question Robin?

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