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Thread: german base association

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  1. #1

    german base association

    i´d like to have more in4mation about the german base association. could you sent me more in4mations?

    thanks ditch

  2. #2

    RE: german base association

    hi folks,

    we are a group of people here in innsbruck, austria, who have already done some skydiving and who really want to get into basejumping.

    are there any freaks around who can give us some tips and so on????????????????????????????


  3. #3

    RE: german base association

    Please give me a call and I´ll set you up if I can, I´m Living in Bayern,
    49 8041 72605

  4. #4

    RE: german base association

    Write to me at
    and well meet in Innsbruck and ill see what i can do for you

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