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Thread: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

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  1. #1

    Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    This could be the case if jumpers continue to land in areas they're not supposed to. Such as the 7 jumpers on 26 July who landed in two forbidden high grass fields directly below Staubach. When I approached them (The Pick, Greg "Griffey", a Swede, and a few others) and I asked them why they landed there, one got mad at me and told me he "forgot" to land in the short grass. They had been jumping in the valley for several days and apparently just got lazy or didn't care. On the contrary, OUR entire group always took the necessary precautions to land in the designated LZ's and all was fine.

    I'm from the USA and I'm not a local to the Lauterbrunnen area, but dammit I sure would like to continue to jump there. Follow the rules or find a new sport. It's time we police ourselves and keep the good sites LEGAL!

    And thanks to the Swiss and other locals for preserving the sites in the Lauterbrunnen area.

    Jason Bell

  2. #2

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    Jason, what is the purpose of this mail? You need to be more humble in you accusation. I have easyer access to this area than you. Therfore I feel it is just to say that I have good knowledge of the rules and regulations of the valley. There were also three French jumpers you saw and evedently you don't know much about them. If there was one single group that drew attention and caused irritation during the time we shared in the vally the odds lay heavely on the group you traveled with. The reason for that beeing that the problem with the locals in the vally is not only based on technicalities but also on cultural missunderstanding (i.e if we can't understand it/them let's forbid it).
    I pesonally don't like the expression you use "POLICE", I think it suxx. It's funny also how you happen to use the term lazy about me. You obviously don't know much about me or the reputation of americans amongst jumpers of other nationalities ;-)

    Take care/ the swede

    P.S You failed to see the old lady (owner) cheeringly wave and smile att me as I was walking out of her pasture. D.S

  3. #3

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    The reason for this post is simple. For many years, BASE jumpers have ignored rules at legal sites and then they eventually are made illegal. When we arrived in Lauterbrunnen, we read the rules at Horner Pub and it says to land on the cut grass in specific areas, just like the last time I was there. When your group landed in the high uncut grass, I approached and asked if this was some new LZ that we didn't know about. That's when Griffey got in my face and basically told me to mind my own business. I was just trying to be friendly and find out about your new high-grass LZ.

    I was also told that the lady you speak of was not cheeringly waving, but staring at you guys. What about the signs that said to stay off the grass? If your LZ is OK, then why did you guys get so hostile when I approached you? Why did Griffey say he 'forgot' about the correct cut-grass LZ?

    I'm not trying to start any trouble at all. I completely respect the locals in the Switzerland and Lauterbrunnen area. However, I am also a BASE jumper who has an interest in preserving the legality of good sites. Whether it's here in my home state of West Virginia, USA or in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, I will try to help keep sites legal in any way I can. Unfortunately, when BASE jumpers see things occur that are harmful to our sport, it is rarely mentioned because we're often afraid of retribution or anger from the accused. I'm sorry I mentioned a few names on the baseboard, but by the hostile reaction I got from your group, I felt it was needed.

    As for the reputation of Americans in Europe, perhaps you should tell us exactly what bothers you so much. We have been hearing lately about a dislike for Americans, but nobody apparently has the guts to say why.


    Jason Bell

  4. #4

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    well schwede
    im also a local and jason is right if you can land in the uncut areas go somewhere else ,what about asking the farmer which field to use ,would be nice
    if you are a local you should know the problems we have about the landings.

    take care and land in the uncut grass please

  5. #5

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    our group, your group who cares. I too approached in a friendly manner one of the jumpers I saw land in the tall grass and asked why? that ok now?....reply was "well no, but I was low and couldn;t make the cut field etc"...I say BS to that, unless I really do not understand the ability of most canopy pilots. lame excuses, the sun was in my eyes, the air was too thin, etc, they all boil down to one thought saying this..."I don;t care , I am too cool, I did a BASE jump did you see me?, I don;t need to respect this place, cuz I will be outta here soon".

    I really dislike inconsiderate people. Inconsiderate to their peers and inconsiderate to the land owners. How difficult is this behaviour to change?
    Not following this simple request of the locals either shows lack of skill or lack of will.....respect is as respect does...still searching for less conflict, have a nice weekend, Jeff 581

  6. #6

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    After visiting the Lauterbrunnen Valley I must say it is one of the most spectacular and beautiful sites I have ever been to and whatever it takes to keep this site legal should be honored. I do think that, in the margin of safety, if you have to land out to avoid injury then do so but only as is a step of absolute last resort. And if this happens and you are challenged by that landowner be as apologetic and understanding as humanly possible. I certainly do not want to challenge any of the local jumpers on their treatment of an international site but if there are rules established then lets follow them.

    In defense of our group of "Americans", we did everything humanly possible to follow the rules and risk life and limb to land in the designated areas. As well being extremely courteous and honoring the locals culture and tradition... O.K. I did ask for bacon and eggs one morning but other than that. :7 I do take issue with the "American" and other "country" stereotyping. Each jumper has his or her own individual personality and behavior. I find it offence to categorize all by a nationality or birthplace. Some Americans are disrespectful a-holes but so are jumpers I have met from other countries.

    The bottom line is those of us who care about keeping legal sights open should do everything in our power to do so and keep those who chose not to "Policed" as best we can. It will only take one disrespectful incident with a local farmer to burn the Lauterbrunnen Valley forever and after spending a week there and truly being awestruck by it’s beauty and uniqueness this would be an absolute crime. Unfortunately, we are going through similar discussions with a site here in the US and it is frustrating to think that any one individual would risk burning a legal site by not following a few simple rules.

    World Peace - Donk GB#1

  7. #7

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    Well said Donk. But, what the hell does GB#1 mean? Are you from Great Britian?

  8. #8

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    It's pronounced "Brishan"...and yeah, What does GB#1 mean?

    Giant Balls?
    Good Breakfast?
    Gall Bladder?

    Please expand...;-)

  9. #9

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    In addition to all said , I was there too, I am mexican and I tried as well to do everything according to the rules , I went with another friend to one of the farmers house to speak with them and asked for permision to land on the short grass , so I think we did everything by the book .


  10. #10

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    Maybe its
    Good Boy ?
    Got Balls?

  11. #11

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    >I certainly do not want to challenge any of the
    >local jumpers on their treatment of an
    >international site but if there are rules
    >established then lets follow them.

    This is only an "international" site to Americans. It's still a local site to the Swiss, and needs to be treated as such. There are established procedures to follow at various sites around the world (including those in Lauterbrunnen); it's the jumper's responsibility to find out ahead of time what these are, and abide by them. How would you like a foreigner coming to your favorite local object and start pounding it without regard to local customs, rules, or ethics? (even if some locals are "a-holes" the site should still be respected to preserve its status of "unburned," or for that matter, LEGAL.

  12. #12

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    I also was with this group of Americans. We spent a great deal of time making sure we had correct landing ares, and permission to jump. Only to watch a group of jumpers land after us in the long grass, exactly what we were told not to do. I go to Lauterbrunnen every year, I treat it as such... I want it to be there next year as well.

    Joe C.
    BASE 729


  13. #13

    RE: Lauterbrunnen ILLEGAL!

    I am an American, and I live in Zurich so I am a LOCAL!
    I was with this group jumping and did not see the incident of jumpers landing in tall grass and then being assholes to my friends when they asked why?

    There is zero ##### excuse for NOT knowing the rules. Everyone they mentioned has ben on the base-board and has read all the rules/postings.

    If I was there, I might have even kicked someones ass for being so ##### stupid.

    The farmers are ready to call the police. They already do not want us there aside from 1 farmer I have seen. The other people everyone refers to is either just standing there looking and not happy, or just employed by the farmers and does not care becuase it is not their land.

    The only reason the farmer tolerate us (aside from the yellow ocean farmer), is because we usually land on cut grass. But when constant jumpers (NOT JUST AMERICANS...EVERYONE) lands on the taller grass (>22cm), you are ##### us all.

    And in the thought that 1 jumper being an ##### could ##### up a site for everyone, I think more aggressive action is well within reason.

    With all the people who have internet access, and word of mouth, I see ZERO excuse not to know and abide by the rules. If you don't, then you will end up ##### us all.

    [h1]BTW, The farmer at the top, on the walk to Yellow Ocean has banned BASE Jumpers Already[/h1]
    He is pissed off that BASE-jumpers keep leaving the gates open when passing through his land. So he actually put a sign up sayine NO BASE/Jumpers!

    I am trying to get a copy of the image to post, to prove how ##### we really are.

    I had a fun jump with some other jumpers in the valley, and heard that they are paying the yellow ocean farmer.
    STOP THAT!!!!!!

    I have Joined Gil D. to help come to an agreement with the mayor and all the farmers. It will probably take until next summer to implement, but until then, if you pay the farmer, it will drastically effect what we have to pay yearly for everyone to jump. There are dozens of farmers and the amount payed to one, must be payed to ALL!

    I have talked to 1 yeallow ocean farmer that is very happy to let us land on their property. I will create a map ASAP and post it here.

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