Lots of folks will be converging on Twin Falls during the weekend of October 19-20 for the first annual "Freedom Day" on Saturday, Oct 20th. This is going to be a quasi-organized, totally unoffical alternative to this year's Bridge Day, for those who have chosen (for whatever reasons) to skip BD in West Virginia.
Some parameters for Freedom Day:
- it is free of charge, of course
- we will be reserving the pavillion down by the boat docks for both days, to ensure ample packing space in the shade (or out of the rain, as the case may be)
- boats will be running for pickup all weekend
- working to arrange special rates at local hotels for jumpers visiting town
- organized dinner/celebration thing Saturday night.
- might even print up some t-shirts for the event. . . anyone have suggested artwork?
In exchange, I suggest we ask everyone who comes into town to bring a framed photo of them (or a friend) jumping. Can be the Perrine, or any other BASE object. We'll donate these to local businesses.
We will also coordinate jumpers to run garbage clean-up shifts around the lookout, boat docks, etc. during the weekend.
Of course, bring good attitudes and lots of smiles for our friends in Twin Falls.
Anyone interested in helping to "organize" this (though there isn't much to organize), please drop me a line. All help appreciated.
Long Live Freedom!
ps: Robin Hied is not involved with this event in any way. He didn't write the proposal (since there wasn't one), he didn't help to argue for capitulation on jumper privacy issues, and he isn't running things from the background (nobody is running things. . . so we don't have any behind-the-scenes crap). Just thought folks might like to know, as sometimes XXS sneaks into certain events without the jumping public knowing or being informed. . .