Everyone is having a great time so far. Lots of good jumps, no injuries yet (knock on wood). Winds have been mostly cooperative. The world's tallest building is. . . really tall and beautiful! Malaysian folks are really friendly and make us feel as guests in their country.
Best moment so far. After landing, a young Malaysian boy runs up to me, shakes my hand, and says "thank you, sir!" I reply that it is my thanks I offer for being hosted in his beautiful country. He beams, laughs, and runs off with a "C-ya!" I do believe BASE has scarred that young man for life.
Americans sure have a bad reputation relating to this event. We're working hard to convince folks that not every American is a greedy, self-important, control-freak, prick. Alas, we have a deep hole out of which we must dig ourselves in that regard. Thanks, XXS. . . you sure do know how to make enemies, all over the world.
Anyway, props to everyone behind the scenes that brought this event together. Lots of fun people, and lots of talented jumpers to watch and learn from.
Peace and happy holidays,