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Thread: checking up on a BASE number

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  1. #1

    checking up on a BASE number

    I am hoping this finds it's way to Rick and Joy, I can't seem to find their email address anywhere.

    I am wanting to check up on whether or not you received my application for my BASE number. My final qualifying jump was on Sept. 5th and I sent my application in about Sept 28th (I knew that you waited four weeks anyway) It has been a while and I haven't received anything back yet. I was just wanting to find out if you even received my application.

    Please email me to let me know if you got it, or if it is lost in transit somewhere. Thanks.

    Take Air,

    Jonathan Bradford

  2. #2

    RE: checking up on a BASE number

    Hope you got your BASE number in the mail. We sent it a few weeks ago. If not my e-mail is The BASE BOARD is still showing the moderator of Official BASE Numbers on my brother's old computer at RHBASEMAN, but that is now a dead address. IF ANYONE NEEDS TO SEND JOY OR I A MESSAGE, PLEASE E-MAIL

    Rick and Joy Harrison

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