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Thread: Building Classification

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Building Classification

    Just jumped a 270 foot structure.
    We can't figure out if it would be considered a building jump or not.
    it's cylinder shaped, and comes up out of a resevoir with a walkway/bridge to get to it. it had a door, office, windows, etc... it's almost like a control tower or something for a nearby damm.
    trying to get my "B", any help would be great.

  2. #2

    RE: Building Classification

    Does the wind blow through it? Or around it?

  3. #3

    RE: Building Classification

    Would you call the dam a cliff? How about a smokestack, what would you call that?

    We need to remember that there is a fifth category called "Other". Not all objects fall into the basic four categories. A dam is a dam, a smoke stack is a smoke stack, a tower is a tower. How about the pillers at you know where. Gee, what should we call them. I guess you could call them a S, since they are part of one. But they're more like a cliff or a building. So I would consider them to be a piller (being an other) or a S (being part of the span structure).

    Scott, if you have to wonder about wether or not the cylinder is a building then it probably isn't. It sounds like you jumped a big cylinder shaped control tower. When you jump a bonnafide building, there will be no doubt in your mind that you just jumped a building. Then you will have your "B".

    Your BASE# will mean more to you than anyone else and it only means something if it's real. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to get it. I suggest instead of calling that "Other" a building, just wait until you are ready to flick a real building (you know with many floors, lots of windows, lots of apts or offices, all that good stuff). Your first "B" will probably be one of the most intense experiences of your life. Watch out for them power lines.

    That all said, do what you're gonna do.
    Good Luck!

  4. #4

    RE: Building Classification

    I'm not going to consider this my "B", it definately was not a bonafide Apt. or office Bldg.

    However the wind does blow around it.

  5. #5

    RE: Building Classification

    A building is just that - a building ie. something that is built. THERE ARE ONLY 4 OBJECTS TO JUMP OFF IN BASE! Dams, pillars smokestacks etc these are all buildings.
    A bridge is a bridge
    An antenna is an antenna
    Anything else man made is a building
    Everything else natural is an earth jump.

  6. #6

    RE: Building Classification

    Technically I agree it's a building - it's built by man.
    However, it doesn't carry the true essence of a building jump. Generally and traditionally a building is in a populated area with streets, power lines, other buildings, cars, people, police etc all around it. Put all this together and it's a pretty full on jump with a lot of factors, considerations and adrenalin - it's an experience. As Flickydiflick Man said, "When you jump a bonnafide building, there will be no doubt in your mind that you just jumped a building."

    Anyway, just my thoughts, do what you feel right.

    ps. I first jumped a chimney stack 2 years ago and only got my base# recently when I did an apartment building.

  7. #7

    RE: Building Classification

    Yea, a smoke stack technically falls into the building category but claiming it as your building jump would be weak. Its not about what the object actually is physically. When dealing with buildings the experience is totally different and intense. It takes a lot more preparation and organization. Unless you want to get nailed of course.
    My friend MD decided to start giving out FLOP (Fixed Low Object Parachutist) numbers instead. You don't have to jump certain things you just have to have done one FLOP jump. I'm FLOP #3! If you want a FLOP # you have to jump with him and if you ask nicely he'll give you a #. Pretty cool huh!

  8. #8

    RE: Building Classification

    Hi Scott. Sorry you were taking a little heat for even asking your question about the cylinder being a building. You weren't far off and if the cylinder was coming out of the center of a building where you were opening next to normal building walls, it would qualify. I just posted some clarifying comments on the Community board you should look at. I will say that once you do a downtown building, you'll feel the difference. On a 1985 TV show with me, Phil Smith (BASE 1)they asked me about my first Building jump which was a 1000' building downtown Houston at 10"30 pm on Jan. 1 1982. I said, "It was the most enjoyable frightening experience of my entire life" and I meant every word. Anyway, good luck and if you have any questions about what qualifies, e-mail me at since I'm the one that has to make the decision to issue the number. Take care, Rick Harrison.
    BASE 38.

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