Day 1: 120 practice jumps
Day 2: 139 competition jumps

Every one of the 54 competitors got at least 2 jumps on day 2 (I think) and some got up to 6. The launch point is a specially built steel ramp off the balcony of the 73rd floor. The entire floor is one unused empty space and the jumpers have each staked out a patch of the floor for packing in between jumps.

The landing area is a relatively small patch of grass in a popular park directly below the twin towers. There's a target laid out and some representatives of the XXXXian army measure landing accuracy.

This phase of the competition is flat-and-stable exits where the competitors are judged on their stability, body position, sub-terminal tracking, proper delay (4 - 5.5 seconds), and landing. So far everyone is doing excellently.

I've been posted on the 60th floor to time the delays. I'm strapped to the WRONG side of the safety railing 600 feet up (which is bothering the building's safety and security staff, but we've demonstrated the equipment is adequate) where I can see both the exit 130ft above and the PC pitch 200 - 300ft below. DJ is sitting next to me with a clever optical device for measuring the on-heading performance of the canopy. Usually someone is standing behind us with a video camera. It's a little challenging to get people to volunteer for that job because it's about 1,000,000 degrees (celcius, of course).

There have been no significant injuries. We're now in a two-day rest period and we begin again on Jan 1. The next day we move to another building for the second phase. More news later.