I use different quantities of wraps depending on the jump I'm planning. I larkshead the rubberband less than an inch from the end of the tailgate on one side. If I'm doing a low jump, less than 300', I only use 2 wraps. For higher jumps, I use three wraps. Once the wraps are completed I use my wrench handle to scoot the black band on both ends of the tailgate to the very end...so just the nubby ends of the tailgate are sticking out of the wraps. Again, I would emphasize to all that height of the exit and the length of delay should be taken into consideration when setting the tailgate. I certainly wouldn't want 3 tight wraps when doing the 'Doux!, and two wraps wouldn't be sufficient for Kjerag.
So what size pilot chute do you use? (I couldn't resist...sorry...)