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Thread: basejumping in puerto rico?

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1
    big country

    basejumping in puerto rico?

    hello all gonna be in puerto rico in feb.11-15 and was wondering if anyone has done any jumping there?

  2. #2

    RE: basejumping in puerto rico?


    I recently met a guy that lives and works in Puerto Rico, from what he was saying there's not much to huck yourself off. The one object he mentioned was a lowish sketchy E. I'll email you his email address.


  3. #3
    big country

    RE: basejumping in puerto rico?

    >I recently met a guy that lives and works in Puerto Rico, from
    >what he was saying there's not much to huck yourself off. The
    >one object he mentioned was a lowish sketchy E. I'll email you
    >his email address.

    hey thanks for the reply. my new e-mail is :

  4. #4

    RE: basejumping in puerto rico?

    im living in on st.john in the virgin islands, its a short ferry ride over to puerto rico. if you find out anything about the area and its objects i would be real interested in meeting you out there. keep me posted.
    blue skies
    drew stringer

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