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Thread: Calling the CA locals

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter jules's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Gargoyle x 2

    Calling the CA locals

    Xmas in the UK is cold, wet and windy so I'm going to California from 15th December until Jan 1st.

    I'm picking up a car in Sacramento and have to be in Perris by Xmas Day - I have no certain plans for inbetween but I'd like to meet up with some local jumpers and leap from anything that people are willing to show me.

    CV: 66 jumps off 11 objects


  2. #2
    Neil UK

    RE: Calling the CA locals

    If you do jump with him don't let him film your exit if you actually want footage :7

  3. #3

    RE: Calling the CA locals

    Hi Jules!

    We welcome you to sunny Southern California! We have a couple of things here you can throw yourself off of, so just contact me when you reach Perris. I'll be glad to meet you and set you up. I would offer to jump with you, but if I have my way I'll be on crutches again after having the hardware removed from my leg.

    Call me at the BR shop (909) 940-1324, or e-mail me at, and we can go from there.

    How does freefalling 176' E sound to ya?

  4. #4

    RE: Calling the CA locals

    Northern California around Xmas can be cold, wet and windy.
    But like yex said, there's lots of fun stuff around here.
    If there is a high pressure system, you will be jumping.
    By the way, yexotay, why are you not still jumping?

  5. #5

    Who is mojo?

    Mojo is a BASE jumper from the hills of east Sacramento.
    Just curious why a BASE jumper would quit the sport?

  6. #6
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Who is mojo?

    >Mojo is a BASE jumper from the hills of east Sacramento.
    >Just curious why a BASE jumper would quit the sport?

    Yo Mojo, Peg it as a Thread or poll, I would but itīs your words.
    take care,

  7. #7

    Why quit jumping?


    Hey Space, I can't reply for Yexotay, but I do know a few people that have given up BASE for various friend broke both feet off a Bridge and after recovering did one more jump, then realized he was done. Another guy both broke both feet during his his fjc and decided BASE wasn't for him. Another friend saw like 5 people die in less than a year and decided he'd seen enough. Another friend lost his wife to cancer, and he stopped jumping until their children are grown up. For myself now that I've had a titanium drama I can understand why a serious injury, close call, or seeing carnage can change a person's mind about the desire to BASE jump. guess there just comes a day for some people when they are just done. You obviously are no where near that place, since you can't even imagine why someone would quit BASE.

    For myself, the freedom and exhilaration outweigh the fear of being injured again (or possible death), so I'm still in the game.

    Be safe, have fun, and soft landings!

    K :P

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