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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Posting

    Good question. I think it is because the forums at are slightly more usable. I don't think people are taking the time (myself included, I'm sorry to say) to suggest improvements to Mick. For example, when you re-enter a thread, it doesn't take you to the first new entry that you haven't read. I guess with BASE jumpers who still skydive, it's a one-stop shop so they hang around there. I think also that usage of these boards changed after some control was applied (what was it? be registered to post?). Also, I don't think the BASE forum on is being moderated within its remit (sorry Tom) in that it is for people wanting to start jumping. People seem to be treating it as a replacement for this forum.

    Let's get behind Mick and help him make this the premier BASE forum!

  2. #2

    RE: Posting

    I find myself posting at DZ dot com as it recently does have more jumpers regularly posting....... I did suggest in a thread there that Blinc should be more used as its more "pure" but again when Mick replied to me "i need suggestions to make this work" - I just did not get off my fat lazyboy ass and think about why people started to go there rather than here...........

    >Let's get behind Mick and help him make this the premier BASE

    I second that........... keep it pure..........



    Would it be cheeky to post on dz dot com this very same suggestion?? hehehe :P :P

  3. #3

    RE: Posting

    I know Mick has put his heart and soul into Blinc and I will support him wherever possible.

    I wish we didn't have to jump back and forth between the two. Why not ask Mick to make it more usable in agreement that we'll all concentrate on posting only to Blinc? Blinc was the first BASE forum!

    Thanks Mick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jason Bell (BASE428)
    Web: or

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Faber's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002

    RE: Posting

    I do suport Mick here.
    But as said before i see as softBASE/newbies and Blinc as Hardcore/experienced jumpers.Most time i has a tecnical Q i go here.But i do also rember just aprox 1-1,5 year ago behind were there were alot of fighting here,and i as newbie didnt/dont want to be apart of thouse fights.

    I do belive that Mick is doing in all his power to make this place the best place,but if we(my self included) dont suport him,and works whith him,then it wont succseed.

    I do apriciate that Tom moderates the forum at which i think is a good idea.And i think its sad that people see it as an enemy to Blinc

    The talk as been here if which forum is the best.And i dont think any would agume against that Blinc has the best and biggest info database on the net.

    Nothing could wip off good old Blinc.If you dont like,then just dont go there,as theres no info there you cant get from here aswell...

    Just my .25dkr
    Have Fun

    Being dead but not dead BASE #!
    Nominated by Spiderman...

  5. #5
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Posting

    >I don't think the BASE forum on is being moderated within its remit (sorry Tom)

    No apology necessary. Believe me, if I could find a way to move technical discussions between experienced jumpers over here, I would. Unfortunately, I can only move them to other forums, which wouldn't really be helpful. That leaves me with the options of just deleting them (which seems dreadfully silly and counterproductive), or posting "you might want to ask on BLiNC" type posts (which I have done, and continue to do), or crossposting links here and other places (which I have also done and continue to do).

    Any suggestions on other paths I could take would be greatly appreciated.


    --Tom Aiello

  6. #6
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Posting

    I know I've said this on numerous other occasions, but I'll say it again here while we're on the topic.

    The single most valuable internet resource for BASE jumping ever created was the BLiNC Technical Archive, composed of all the technical posts pulled out of the regular BASE board archives.

    I am extremely sad that this technical archive has disappeared. I thought that creating it was the best thing ever done for BASE on the internet. I really think it ought to be brought back.

    --Tom Aiello

  7. #7

    RE: Posting

    To each of the persons replying here, and ones that don't; I am not one to flack people for not helping me, but Im not going to stop. But, I am fixed on just BASE. Not skydiving.

    So, this is a place where you have a say in how things work, but there are trade-offs. uses one kind of forum, I use another. So the functionality is different. There are items that I feel are better than the other, but understandably, without someone taking 20 seconds out of their time to tell me what they don't like, I have no way of knowing.

    Maybe it is this....
    People feel that they are always bitching if they only tell me bad things about BLiNC. Well, here is my stance.

    When to bitch: EVERY SINGLE DAY IF NEEDED!!!!!
    I would rather hear about your compaints, than _NOT_ hear about them until months later. That is just not good for me or anyone!

    When to complement: At BD, the exit point, or at the pub! After you are happy that I fixed a particular issue you had, then say so.

    But.... without the bad, I can't fix everything that could be wrong with BLiNC.

    After my 10th year here, I am still wanting this to be the best BASE Jumping place for the base jumpers.

  8. #8

    RE: Posting

    The technical archive had not disapeared, it has moved to be parallell with the base board.

    I also need help with pulling articles out. I am just so overwelmed with work, that moving articles is just too much work.

    BTW, if the new location of the technical forum is not right, then I can fix it if you have a suggestion... (move it back?)

  9. #9

    RE: Posting

    Through BLiNC I found BR, CR, Vertigo and other manufatcturers. I learned who the original Bridge Day organizers where. I learned about the CJAA and where Moab is. The flames and sometimes harsh comments showed me that BASE is serious and stupid people are not tolerated. I learned that not many people like Robin Heide (spelling?) I could go on more but basically BliNC has been my one stop, dysfuntctional, psychotic, Cyber-BASE stop. Loyal for life.

  10. #10

    RE: Posting

    >I also need help with pulling articles out. I am just so
    >overwelmed with work, that moving articles is just too much

    Interestingly enough, I went through the archives and saved everything... every single thread... to my hard drive. My intention was to go through them and sort of come up with a "Best Of" set for my own personal reference. Basically anything that was technical, historical or otherwise substantive. There's a lot there that never made the technical archives.

    I'd be more than happy to let you know what I came up with when I finish going through them. If you think that would be useful, drop me an email.

  11. #11

    RE: Posting

    That would be awsome!
    If you would share it with BLiNC, I would appreciate it!

  12. #12

    RE: Posting

    Keep yourself safe, as I plan to keep BLiNC alive for along timne to come, and words of encouragement like this help motivate me to keep it movong forward.

    The only thing I don't like, is hearing about accidents. But that comes with the job. But if I can help people avoid those accidents, then that issue is also overcome for me.

  13. #13

    RE: Posting

    You tell me what to fix, and I will do everything in my power to correct it ASAP!

  14. #14
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Posting

    I'll volunteer to help with sorting and reading that stuff.

    Maybe we can make sets: historical, technical, whatever else, and pull out the good threads, then save them as articles (rather than as threads).

    It might also be interesting to create "by poster" sets for the departed, as a sort of memorial. It'd be neat to be able to call up all of Dwain's or Lukas' posts, for example.

    --Tom Aiello

  15. #15

    Thanks again!!

    I have been a bad poster on this board before. I am sorry for that. Flame wars are not fun, but they happen. I will try not to have flame wars anymore. Things are said, and so be it. I will not post my negative stupid diatribes that I have posted before.
    I used to think it was "cool" to engage in flame wars. Now I know that it is counter-productive. Mick, I am sorry I scorched your site and talked so much ####.
    This was and is a great place for BASE jumpers to come together and talk. This is not meant to be an "accusations" board, but more of a discussion board.
    I am sorry to everyone I have pissed off. I will not flame on here again. It may be hard, but I will try my best.
    I wish the BASE community could band together again, (even if it is to HATE Thomas), and collectively share ideas.
    How can we be safer? What are the big problems coming up in today's BASE world (other than being Thomas------humor attempt..HAH HAH).
    Let's all get back together here and be honest.
    Things happen, and people get hurt and die. But let's share our KNOWLEDGE and help each other be safer.
    And no, this isn't a joke.
    (Rodney King) Can't we all just get along? (/Rodney King)

    Thomas :-) :-)

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