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Thread: Punk n Bones…those who jump together sleep together

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Punk n Bones…those who jump together sleep together

    Yeah, still kickin it… to the bizzone… tried something new this week….groundcrewing.. that’s some scary stuff… a big kudos to everyone who has sat on the ground waiting for our asses to huck… also listened to my brotha t to the bizzone huck via cellphone.. felt like a two way except I was in my car driving to bizzaro world…even without seeing it I could hear how deep you were… another week filled with towers and B’s… cops and robbers... street bums and bjs...gotta love the Midwest…by the way …first ever million way tracking dive from 300 feet… lets see who has the strongest swimmers.

  2. #2

    RE: Punk n Bones…those who jump together sleep together

    Dude....I think my swimmers are stornger cause I hit the B with em!
    Might have been because of the wind, but I'm "sticking" with that.
    Think we could get my cell company to sponser us? They kept coverage all the way to landing!!!
    Cya on the Dark Side...

  3. #3

    RE: Punk n Bones…those who jump together sleep together

    been kinda nervous about this for a while... didn't know how to ask... but are you guys actually, um, doing each other then?
    don't your girfriend's mind?
    don't get me wrong, i'll support you and love you both either way, but hey... what kind of "sleeping together" are we talking about here?
    fun weekend.
    see you both soon.

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