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Thread: Gifts of God to BASE community

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  1. #1

    Gifts of God to BASE community

    We thanks God that He sent these two really precious, enormous, huge GIFTS to poor us Italian BASE jumpers and to the whole world BASE community as well!!!
    These really really gifted terrific BASE jumpers came to us, gifted so generously by God, and with few jumps and a lot of telephone calls (to be able to know exit points) they the Italian wonder of BASE jump. Wow!!!!!
    They showed up very early in the morning (not to be seen by anoybody, they're shy) in the home spot of BASE #657 (BASE #657 BASE curriculum: +540 jumps, 100ish objects, perhaps 20 new objects opened by him), a 105 m - 344 ft E, not incredibly difficult but not so easy at the same time, because the flight circuit and the winds according to which it is jumpable are NOT so obvious. Plus, just under the exit there is a good amount of rocks and trees. BASE #657's home BASE spot has been opened by him, also it is a very famous climbing site, lots of climber know about its existence. BASE #657 has performed +250 jumps off his home spot, plus he is used to climb there.
    The two gifts of God showed up very early in the morning at BASE #657's home spot, they DID NOT call #657, while ALL the (BASE) world in Italy knows that #657 is always there and is happy to show his site up to everybody (few BASE jumpers indeed) who is willing to listen up to his advices about the site.
    No, they didn't call #657, because #657 could have been a pain in the axs inhibiting them (two talented jumpers indeed) from jumping the site. #657 saying:"You cannot go to jump because there is too much ind, see those trees overthere?" is a problem. Nobody saying anything, and and the wind and any other problem is vanished!!! Easy, isn't it?
    Yes, #657 is a soft balls, sissy jumpers indeed, that with any small thunderstoirm refrains from jumping. Only 530 jumps, 100 objects, yes, in the end he is not so experienced.
    The two gifts of God, NO!!!! They never stop jumping!!! They cannot stop jumping!!! No way!!! They jump because on a mission from God!!! With all those km put in their car, they cannot refrain from jumping, they are really talented, they are really gifts of God. A very strong wind is a very neglectable nuisance, they go and jump!!! Easy!!! Just like real brass balled BASE jumpers!!! Well done indeed!!!! All those rocks and trees under the exit, under a strong wind, frighten only the weak of stomach and sissies, not the real brass balles BASE jumpers!!!

    God, please, if you are listening to us, please, after having sent these truly gifts from you to our BASE community, we appreciate such a gift so much, believe us, but, please, please, please, don't send us any more of this sort of gift!!!! With this latest gift you sent to us we think we have enough for a long time!!! Thanks again for your gift and for your understanding as well!!!!

    Stay safe out there
    Blue Skies and Soft Walls
    BASE #689 :D

    P.S.: BASE #657 discovered about the jump and I am afraid he doesn't think that the two brilliant BASE jumpers are gifts of God. I must call him and convince him that they are a gift of God to our community. For which purpose, I honestly do not know, but God's ways are not understandable by men. We must accept His gifts and that's it!!!

  2. #2

    RE: Gifts of God to BASE community

    Of course they are gifts (whether from God I have no idea, since I have no idea whether there's a God).

    Perhaps their purpose in life is to serve as warnings to others. }(

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