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Thread: sony pc video camera's

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  1. #1

    RE: sony pc video camera's

    I think the 101 is my choice (didn't know there was a 115). The 1010 goes for about $950 now. It is slightly older than the 120, but the only real difference in the 120 is the bluetooth crap. I waited to see what Sony was going to do to improve the 101, and then the 120 came out and all they really did was concentrate on wireless technology. They didn't really put any money into improving the imaging.

    Sony also seems to have given up the design. The new cams that I'm aware of are shaped like smaller, traditional palmcorders. They are significantly cheaper (Sony trying to push the limits of the DV market) than the 101 or 120, but they seem to be made cheaper as well. Kind of like they did with the Digital8's.

    Check out for the 101. It is about $950 shipped. You can find it cheaper on the net if you want to deal with the kinds of businesses that will sell it cheaper.

    Good luck!!

  2. #2

    RE: sony pc video camera's

    Nice, thanks for the info. I have found one at for $824 and they have great reviews. I have always bought from B&H in the past.
    How is the zoom? Too fast like the PC 100??
    ps $950 shipped? It says $1295?

  3. #3

    RE: sony pc video camera's

    You gotta use the "mail me a better price" link. It's actually $999. I check for myself the other day.

    Yea, the zooms on any of these cams are not made for our sport. You really need a manual control like on film cameras. But it is at least as good as anything before it. I made two of my friends buy this cam because I like it best from a bang for the buck standpoint. I'm still using my PC7.

    Good luck.

  4. #4

    RE: sony pc video camera's

    no difference in imaging? you might want to take a look at the specs for the pc101 versus the 120. the resolution is a bit higherfor the 120. the actual video resolution of the pc101 is 690k pixels, whereas the pc120 video resolution is 970k pixels. it all boils down to the ccd in the camera being larger (more pixels across) which leads to higher resolution. the difference between the pc120 and the pc115 is the bluetooth. pc115 don't got it, and the 120 does. my .02? you don't need bluetooth. also, the 120 is a bit bigger in overall size, and even though the resolution is higher, it's not really that noticeable to me.

  5. #5

    sony pc video camera's

    Need some help. Please tell me what you've heard with the 3 new camera's. Pc's 101, 115, 120.
    Need to buy fast. any info will help. Money is different with all 3 and wondering if there is any difference.

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