Hope this doesn't mean that they will be testing it there!!!
Jason, 570
Town of Moab Shuns Link with New Bomb
Fri Feb 28, 9:33 AM ET Add Oddly Enough - Reuters to My Yahoo!
SALT LAKE CITY (Reuters) - The tiny town of Moab, Utah, has asked President Bush (news - web sites) not to use the acronym MOAB for a new bomb because it could damage the image of the city best known for outdoor recreation, officials say.
"We realize that it is an acronym, but we are still concerned about the effects it may have on our community. Moab relies on tourism both domestic and foreign and has worked for many years and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to create an image that 'Moab' is a destination," a letter from the Grand County Council said.
MOAB is an acronym for "massive ordnance air bust" and Moab, Utah residents do not want tourists to think of a bomb when they hear about a city named after the biblical kingdom southeast of the Dead Sea.
"We strongly believe that our city's name could be severely damaged by naming the bomb after Moab, thereby negating years and dollars spent in marketing and promoting our town," the letter said.
"We've invested a lot of time effort to put our city in the best possible light. It's noted as a recreation area. This just kind of has taken us aback," Mayor Dave Sakrison told Reuters.
Moab refers to the "land beyond Jordan," according to Utah history references about the origin of the town name.