Lets take jj out of the equation here and discuss the real issue at hand; if you feal there is anything more to add.
Personally I would never want my death to be on video (no matter how it happened), and if it were I would like that video destroyed immediately.
The only instance where I can think that viewing such video may be appropriate would be to investigate the cuase of death; if the cause were unknown. Once the cause has been determined the video should then be destroyed.
If you think you need to watch people impact and die to understand the consequences associated with this sport then you should reconsider your role in the sport.
More important, nobody has the "right" to collect or show such video unless the deceases had "publicly" stated that such video may be viewed by others. Period.
The idea of someone sitting around and watching me, or anyone else, die over and over again is disgusting.
I would have thought basic human decency would make these points obvious but I was proven wrong by many people who posted on the previous thread.
So if you don't mind having your potential base fatality viewed by others, here is a chance to publicly say so.