Just wondering why no one is ever there. I think it would nice if there was a time everyday so that if people did want to chat with each other, which I think you can learn alot from each other.
Is it possible to set a time. Is it Mknutson that runs this. Would this be possible to set up a pm time when every one is usually home??
Daytime, everyone works. Posting things on the board is cool and all but to get a responce might take days or longer. I think if you have the ability to chat then we should take advantage of the program.
I could be way off by asking if this is a good idea. I have a few questions I would like to ask but I don't want to post them cause there not for everyone to see.
What do you think mknutson?? Can we do this or is it too much to ask.
I would like feed back from all who reads this.
Good idea or a stupid one.