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Thread: Chat Rooms, never anyone there, WHY!!!

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Chat Rooms, never anyone there, WHY!!!

    Just wondering why no one is ever there. I think it would nice if there was a time everyday so that if people did want to chat with each other, which I think you can learn alot from each other.

    Is it possible to set a time. Is it Mknutson that runs this. Would this be possible to set up a pm time when every one is usually home??
    Daytime, everyone works. Posting things on the board is cool and all but to get a responce might take days or longer. I think if you have the ability to chat then we should take advantage of the program.

    I could be way off by asking if this is a good idea. I have a few questions I would like to ask but I don't want to post them cause there not for everyone to see.

    What do you think mknutson?? Can we do this or is it too much to ask.
    I would like feed back from all who reads this.
    Good idea or a stupid one.

  2. #2

    RE: Chat Rooms, never anyone there, WHY!!!

    Didn't even realize it was there.

  3. #3

    RE: Chat Rooms, never anyone there, WHY!!!

    Hey clint, since the room is already there, just choose a time,create a post to ask people to join. Keep at it.


  4. #4
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Chat Rooms, never anyone there, WHY!!!

    Hey Clint,

    I think it would be great to agree on a "chat time", when several people (i.e. more than one) showed up.

    I agree that 9pm EST would get the most response (since most of us on here are in the US). I'd also vote for a day that's not Wednesday (since the weekly chat at is Wednesday evening, and I'm greedy, and would want to do both on occasion).

    Anyway, I suggest you just post a time, try to get people to show, and see what happens.

    --Tom Aiello

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