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Thread: The list

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    The list

    Could anyone help out here. After the attrocious year in BASE last year I sat down to check the trend in fatalities since 1980, bearing in mind the increased participants, advances in equipment etc. However, there are a few bits of missing information regarding some of the dates as shown below. If anyone could fill in some of the years it would be appreciated.

    # 22 Darren Newton
    # 33 Jeff Christman
    # 37 Gary Dawson
    # 42 George (from Spain)
    # 45 Bob Neely
    # 46 Unknown Frenchman

    I hate to reduce these people with families and friends to statistics but we all have to do our own research to satisfy ourselves as to what we consider acceptable risks in this sport. I feel I have a duty to look fully at the trends and also off which objects the fatalities have occured in order to decide on my own jumping.

    Thanks in advance and here's to a better year than last year (much better hopefully), although the start of the year could not have been worse.

    It goes without saying that my thoughts are with the families and friends of those who have died already this year.



  2. #2
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: The list

    I've got a pretty significant spreadsheet, with some of the statistics already on it. Care to collaborate?

    Drop me an email.

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #3

    RE: The list

    I think a critical piece of the puzzle is getting a handle on the denominator. Has BASE undergone an explosion in the number of participants and jumps made every year? Probably, but can anyone quantify it? Probably not. In order to develop a meaninful "incident rate" per 1000 jumps or something, there is going to have to be a survey or something done to get an estimate of the number of jumps made per year.

    Maybe through a survey of known participants, an average number of jumps per year could be calculated, and this could be multiplied by the number of rigs in circulation (from the Mfrs records), times a fudge factor to account for owners of multiple rigs or rig decommissioning.

    It would be a big project to undertake, but I think it is valuable information.

  4. #4

    RE: The list

    >I think a critical piece of the puzzle is getting a handle on
    >the denominator. Has BASE undergone an explosion in the
    >number of participants and jumps made every year? Probably,
    >but can anyone quantify it? Probably not. In order to
    >develop a meaninful "incident rate" per 1000 jumps or
    >something, there is going to have to be a survey or something
    >done to get an estimate of the number of jumps made per
    >Maybe through a survey of known participants, an average
    >number of jumps per year could be calculated, and this could
    >be multiplied by the number of rigs in circulation (from the
    >Mfrs records), times a fudge factor to account for owners of
    >multiple rigs or rig decommissioning.

    whoa! You kids have fun. I'm going to go make some jumps.

  5. #5

    RE: The list (That's BASE . . .)

    There's an easier way instead of all that calculating . . .

    I always thought, when my toes are hanging over the edge, it's pretty much fifty fifty . . .

    BASE 194

  6. #6

    RE: The list (That's BASE . . .)

    As always Nick you have left us speechless..with style...

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