Could anybody give me some proper info on the following deeb brake settings (DB).
I jump a Cruiselite at the DZ and installed 3 levels of DB's. When I do the rear rizer stall/reverse thing, and release one riser to spun the canopy around, it works really nice if the brakes has been unstowed. But, on my deepest DB setting, DB3, the canopy opens very nice, ect. However, when I do the stall/reverse thing, the canopy is very un-responsive and tempramental. Even if I catch some wind from the back, it gets less responsive, and sometimes do it's own semi stall.
I do understand that DB3 might be a little on the edge. The question however is this, even if I chose to use a less aggresive setting: Is it more acceptable to have a less responsive canopy and as little as possible forward speed on opening, or should you find you own compromize, depending on the object and the environment, ie landing above sea level, temperature, etc. Also, do you regularly change the Deeb brake settings according to surcumstances, or do you jump a setting which you feel comfy with in all events?
I would realy appreciate a coment on the forward speed vs. controlability?