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Thread: canopy after a water landing

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    canopy after a water landing


    What are your experiences after landing a canopy into water? How much has it effected to canopy's flying?

    I have 240 Mojo. I've landed into water for quite a few times now. Usually to fresh water, but once to salt water as well (i rinsed it off with fresh water right after the landing, though). I'm going to keep to gear, for "likely to get busted" jumps, but i'd like to know, if i should prepare myself for a different kind of canopy ride.


  2. #2
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: canopy after a water landing

    My experience has been that the canopy just behaves as if it had made a bunch more jumps. The rule of thumb I've heard is "1 water jump=10 jumps, 1 salt water jump=5 fresh water jumps=50 jumps".

    I don't know if that's quite accurate (might be a bit of an overstatement), but after 50 or 60 water landings, my FOX sure doesn't flare like it used to, and it opens noticeably slower as well.

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: canopy after a water landing

    Exposing your canopy to fresh water can do two things. First, it will increase the porosity. Water "loosens" the individual yarns in the ripstop fabric and leaves gaps. You can limit the amount of damage by not agitating too much. Don't wring the canopy out with your hands for example.

    Second, water can shrink the reinforcement tapes on the canopy as it dries. The amount the load tapes shrink is usually not significant, but if it occurs disproportionately throughout the canopy, it could warp the canopy's airfoil, and maybe cause a built-in turn. The best way to avoid shrinkage is to hang the wet canopy by the tail, stretched to full span, so its own weight counteracts the shrinking effect.

    After a salt water landing, you must rinse the entire rig in fresh water before it has a chance to dry. The suspension lines and harness are the most important parts to get thoroughly rinsed. If dried salt crystals (very sharp) are left behind in your lines, they will be torn apart from the inside out and eventually break, even with no external signs of wear. Same goes for your harness webbing. Since porosity is not an issue, your lines and harness will not be damaged by soaking in warm fresh water for about 2-3 hours.

    Also, when drying the canopy, be sure it is in the shade. Clouds are not shade by the way. UV rays pass through clouds and will cause much more permanent damage to nylon than water.

    So to answer your question...your mileage may vary, depending on your own technique and care for your gear. I hope you really rinsed the hell out of your lines after that salt water jump, otherwise it may be too late. Good news is you can re-line your canopy pretty cheap, less than $200 usually.

  4. #4

    RE: canopy after a water landing

    Very good information. Just to re-enforce what was said here, drying your wet canopy in the sun (I see it all the time at Perrine) is absolutely terrible for a canopy. Causes mucho damage.

    As said here, hang it by the tail or the apex, in the shade, and let it dry. Wind makes all the difference in the world, and hanging it by the tail or the apex allows the water to drain out of the canopy helping it to dry faster.

    As Tom said, canopy behaves as if it has more jumps. As to how much depends on its care when drying. I'm only guessing here, but dry it correctly, probably 10 to 20 jumps. Bake it in the sun, and you add maybe 60 to 80 jumps.


  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: canopy after a water landing

    Thanks for the info guys!

    I have a feeling that my canopy is going to get wet tonight...

    Hey Mick, you should post all the above information to the "Knowledge Base".

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