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Thread: unique jumps

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  1. #1

    RE: unique jumps

    There is a really big, natural stone arch in a land far, far away that is on my list. It is spectacular.

    There is also a very, very big wall in an icy land that has never been jumped and would be the most spectacular jump in the world to me. That, too, is on my list. If I get that one, I'll die content knowing I jumped the coolest natural feature on the face of the earth (to me, at least).



  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    unique jumps

    There are lots of great things to jump off of, from cable cars to lighthouses to tall trees. I was just curious as to what jumpers regard as their "holy Grail" of completed jumps.
    So I ask, what is the strangest/most unique jump you have ever done?? NO SITE SPECIFICS!!!!

    I found this pic. on the net, anyone jumped this??

    Jason 570

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