Couple of questions about stacks for those of you who are experienced in such matters... By way of background, the stack I'm looking at is part of an oil-fired power generating station. It's about 350 feet high and is 30-50 feet wide at the base. Landing area is such that, if anything more than a fat one second delay is possible, it certainly won't be done in the near future.
My questions... First, this thing is one (and seemingly the most promising) of a line of three, and seems to be perpetually in use with lots of what I assume is primarily steam coming from the top. Are stacks hot when in operation? And given that we'll be leaving from a crowsnest maybe 20 feet below the top, should I be concerned about getting soot all over my gear? Or, for that matter, about breathing near the exit point? :P
Second, we've noticed that even in ~15 km/h winds, the air behind the stack (as visualized with the help of a pressure release or something that vents steam once in a while) seems turbulent, with pretty significant rotors as far as 30 feet or more downwind. What's the common wisdom on acceptable winds for a large stack?
Thanks all!