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Thread: Felix or other Austria jumpers

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  1. #1

    Felix or other Austria jumpers

    I'm heading through Austria in a month and would like to jump the cliff with the 40m rappell. I jumped it with Felix in May 1999, but wanted to ask the locals if anything has changed since then. Can anyone give me current details please? Many thanks.

    Jason Bell

  2. #2

    RE: Felix or other Austria jumpers

    I also tried to contact an Austrian "brother" but got no answer after 3 times. Do not know what is goin on there but noone (wrote to Felix several times) helped me.

    Still would love to jump in Austria (especially that cliff), please write me if got a contact.

    If you come around Hungary and fancy to jump here, drop me a mail.
    :D :D :D

  3. #3

    RE: Felix or other Austria jumpers

    I'm an austrian skydiver very eager to start base.
    I have the same problem. No jumpers that are willing to teach. Maybe due to the fact that there are not many and the ones I know do not have the experience to teach. But maybe I can be kind of a help.
    my email....

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