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Thread: Memorial Weekend At Perrine

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Memorial Weekend At Perrine

    I just want to say I had a freakin' blast last weekend! It was great to see all those friendly faces again and meet new ones. I made 16 very fun, safe jumps in just over 3 days - the last of which was my 100th. Yahoo!

    A special thanks goes to the people of Twin Falls for allowing us to play from their very cool bridge. I only wish other communities were as friendly and receptive to our sport as yours.
    <Insert Applause Here>

    Another thanks to the jumpers and support people that who shot video and kept me looking good at the exit point :7. The free sharing of video was awesome!

    Thanks to Rebecca and Kramer for the 2-ways and, of course, Don and Bert for the boat rides.

    I hope we'll meet at an exit point again soon!

    Mark Sheehan &-)
    BASE 346

  2. #2

    RE: 100th?

    you don't get out much, do you

  3. #3

    RE: Memorial Weekend At Perrine

    Just when you thought it was cool to do a "McConkey", a few jumpers pulled out the big guns. One nameless jumper held his unpacked canopy to his side, threw it to the right and then jumped to the left. They call it the "TARD" as in "RETARD". If that wasn't cool enough, then another jumper allowed someone to hold his unpacked canopy and toss it for him as he lept off the bridge. That one was called the "QUAD", and I quote, "because if you do it enough times, you'll become a quadraplegic". And I won't even go into details about the jumper they threw over the railing...

    The really funny thing about these (unpacked) jumps is that the malfunction rate is probably much less than with a closed container. These guys already have their stuff out, all the lines are organized, and they're not taking it low at all.

    I have pics that I can post if desired....

    Congrats to Mark and Spencer on your big jumps.

    Jason Bell

  4. #4

    RE: Memorial Weekend At Perrine

    Post 'em Jason. Post 'em indeed. Post away my good man. It's not so often that true headcases are viewed on here. I wish I'd gone now...

    All ways get the pics and vid.

    It's only ever about image. Haven't I already told you all that?

    Skin out.

  5. #5

    less talk, more action!

    Yeah, I had a freaklin blast on monday when I finally got there. I still am having a blast, since I am still here, yehaa!!! hit the water again today. I think I am going to have to start swooping toward shore instead of down the shore line!!!!
    AND PUT THE SLIDERS UP PEOPLE!!! come on, so much more comfy!!!

    Anyways, I want to rant and rave about garbage. I had seen a few posts about donating a banner to the city for our appreciation of their tolerance, and what not. also, i usually hear about people trying to pick up garbage to make it cleaner. yeah, I'll admit, the landing area looks good. but, for everyone getting boat rides, how much garbage did you actually pick up? and for the people hiking up/out, how much did you pick up? I ask because of the 6, yes, only 6 jumps so far in 3 days I have already picked up 2 bags of garbage. and plan to pick up more tomorrow. so, I challenge any BASE jumper out there who has jumped or would like to jump the perrine bridge to pick up more garbage than I am. I AM showing respect for the site. I plan to extract several garbage cans full of rusty tin cans from near the TOP of the canyon rim. shouldn't be tough at all. maybe take 2 hours max. so, I'll give up 2-3 jumps to do this.
    I have 2 bags picked up so far from memorial day weekend jumping fun. I'll keep updating when I gather more trash from the site.
    Peace out,
    and love the places you jump!!!!
    Thomas:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Perigee Pro

    RE: less talk, more action!

    Right on!


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