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Thread: Unique BASE numbers

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Unique BASE numbers

    Everyone's heard of night base #s and naked base#s. Has anyone earned their broken base #?

    With regular numbers creeping towards 800, I figure my claim to fame could be to be the first person to break bones jumping each type of object. I'm halfway there, I broke my foot on an E, and busted my ass on an S.

    So before I suffer unnecessarily, I thought I'd ask if anyone's done it yet, besides of course, that guy from Paraguay.

    This question brought to you by the Dairy Counsel of Washington

  2. #2

    RE: Unique BASE numbers

    mike muskrat

  3. #3

    RE: Unique BASE numbers

    Why would anyone want to bask in the mistakes they made like getting busted up?

    I find that there would be much more glory and respect in a "Chicken" BASE number.
    Chickening off all 4 objects. I know I am not the first, but I have completed all 4 objects in the past!

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Unique BASE numbers

    I only lack walking down from a building to have my Chicken BASE number.
    I have chickened out on the other three more than once each.

    BASE359 :P

  5. #5

    RE: Unique BASE numbers

    How about "spun BASE?"



  6. #6

    RE: Unique BASE numbers

    I'm not to proud of it, but if I get busted off of a cliff, I'll have "BUSTED BASE".


  7. #7

    RE: Unique BASE numbers

    How about Millionare Base?

    Jumper must complete all four objects with a personal worth of 1 million dollars or greater?

    I gotta know!!!!!!!!


  8. #8

    RE: Unique BASE numbers

    >Why would anyone want to bask in the mistakes
    >they made like getting busted up?
    >I find that there would be much more glory and
    >respect in a "Chicken" BASE number.
    >Chickening off all 4 objects. I know I am not
    >the first, but I have completed all 4 objects in
    >the past!

    As far as I know, I was joking. ;-)
    None the less, point taken, Mick. In fact, I opted out this morning due to sketch visibility, even though I'd probably have been just fine.
    Live to jump another day and all that.

    Besides, I'm thinking my ass is just bruised, not busted, so I'm only 25% done anyway. Not to mention that I'm hoping to go from a 220 to a 260 by next week, which will make self mutilation that much harder to accomplish. I guess I'll just have to settle for a basic base#, which is being stalled by construction delays...can't jump it 'til it's a few stories ABOVE ground.


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