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Thread: Idaho BASE Theme Park?

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Idaho BASE Theme Park?

    While standing on the Perinne a few months ago, it occured to me that the creative use of demolition and earth moving techniques could result in a very jumpable wall with a cleared and level landing area, on the north wall of the gorge and just a few hundred feet east of Hwy 93.
    Now given that everything else could come together, would it be possible to build a one to five story building, with a free standing 200' antenna coming out of the roof on that site? Now you've got your Building, Antenna, Span & Earth Theme Park inTwin Falls, ID.
    You could make a short climb and jump the 'A' or leap off the roof of the 'B'. Get tired of doing that, and walk off of the back yard for your 'E'. For variety, maybe a launch from one of the building windows would be in order.
    I know there are those who will question the "legality" (Harrison's?)of jumping and claiming a building such as this, but it was nice to think of living in such a perfect, rosey world for a few minutes.
    I guess this would also mean sales showrooms, branch offices or possible relocation for the big BASE manufacturers. Then you would have your daily FJC's for the BASE whuffo's, who will jump 360-500sf canopies that have been almost totally "idiot proofed", to help slow down or prevent the inevitable.


    BASE359 >(

  2. #2
    imported_Tom Aiello


    > occured to me that the creative use of
    >demolition and earth moving techniques could
    >result in a very jumpable wall with a cleared
    >and level landing area...

    I dunno. I heard it's pretty jumpable already...

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Idaho BASE Theme Park?

    >I dunno. I heard it's pretty jumpable already...

    I dunno Tom, I wouldn't want Kenny Rogers landing at the base of the north wall. Kinda tight for his skill level...but there's always the drink, I guess.


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