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Thread: Cross dressing and BASE

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  1. #1

    Cross dressing and BASE

    This may come as surprise to those of you that know me but after a long period of introspection I have decided to let my friends know what really drives me.As a man and even as a BASE jumper.
    Anne has been ever supportive of my needs and has been my rock and my shoulder to cry on.The truth is ,I am a cross dresser.That's right my fetish for dressing in womens clothes has been kept from all I know for way too long.I am proud to say that I have finally gathered the courage needed to confront it and am happy to have done so.It is a huge weight off my mind but I know that my true friends will support my decision.This has been such a relief and I love you all.Thanks for being there for me and accepting me as a true Mincer.
    Love Jim.

  2. #2

    RE: Cross dressing and BASE

    I must have amnesia or something becuase I don't remember writing this and feral must have gone to the same school as whoever the fu(k wrote this post because it has the same style...

    But, anyway, I guess I have come out of the closet as a crossdresser....

    The real JIM J


  3. #3

    RE: Cross dressing and BASE

    That amnesia thing must be going around.I supposedly posted something about being the Queen of Soft (unts but I'm buggered if I remember when that was.Iwent back to check it,to maybe jog my memory but it was gone.Oh well.Maybe it will come back,my memory that is.

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