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Thread: VTEC packing

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  1. #1

    VTEC packing

    I have ordered a FOX with VTEC and wanted to know if people pack their canopies differently from those without the VTEC option. Obviously, I expect the manual from BR to give specific advice. Also, when packing a VTEC, should any special consideration be given to terminal or short delays?

    Meeker :D

  2. #2

    RE: VTEC packing

    leave it packed in its box, send it back and order a blackjack

  3. #3
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: VTEC packing

    I pack my Vtec FOX exactly as I packed my standard FOX. I just ignore the vents while packing.

    Some people find that terminal openings with the Vtec modification are unacceptably (rolling the nose, sail slider, etc). I do find them harder than standard FOX openings, but still acceptable, so I don't change my pack job there either.

    --Tom Aiello

  4. #4

    RE: VTEC packing

    I don't pack my Vtec any different than a non-Vtec canopy.

    For terminal - in general, using a mesh slider gives better on-heanding performance, so I never use a sail. Some don't like the harder openings, but I don't mind going lower for a marginally harder opening with better on-heading performance using mesh (although a certain little pink tasmanian smacky bastard calls me a dirty high puller whenever he can...). Were we talking about the Vtec or sliders?

    Anyway, the Vtec adds very little to the abruptness of the opening on terminal jumps, and is good for sub-terminal slider up jumps - basically giving slightly quicker pressurization.

    I always pack my slider off Vtec with the center cell nose exposed - wraped around half the canopy. Again, harder opening, but definately worth the quicker pressurization.


  5. #5

    RE: VTEC packing

    ........and wait, and wait, and wait.........:P

  6. #6

    RE: VTEC packing

    I use a VTEC all the time at terminal but it requires you do everything you can to reef the opening. On my first jump on the VTEC, I climbed to 1300' and did about a 7.5 second delay. The canopy was packed with a rolled nose, indirect slider control, and a mesh slider. The opening was so hard, I badly bruised my chest with my chin and suffered a mild concussion. I was recommended to get an MRI for my neck(which I didn't bother with). I thought I might have had an improper opening sequence. However, similarly hard openings happened a couple more times later on. The openings are now OK now the canopy is not as new. I definetely recommend a good locking stow, direct slider control perhaps with a double wrap depending on how you feel, and rolling the nose. Regarding the question of a sail slider, you can always have a sail slider made with a hole (covered with mesh) in it if the openings are still too hard and you don't want a full sail slider. I personally prefer something like the Raven's bikini-style sail slider. BSBD - Chris

  7. #7

    RE: VTEC packing

    see my comment above for the best packing advice

  8. #8

    RE: VTEC packing

    I thought Blackjack was a condom.:o

  9. #9

    ZP top skin

    V-tec with ZP top skin......

    is this the same or does it change things much?

  10. #10
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: ZP top skin

    I think this makes openings a bit quicker.


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