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Thread: Digital video cameras

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    Digital video cameras

    I'm looking for a digital video camera.

    I've seen some discussion of this on the board before. Looks like a lot of people are using the Sony camerase. But before I plunk down my hard-earned cash, I have a couple of questions about alternatives.

    First, I've noticed that the Sony has a relatively small filter diameter (30 or 37 mm) whereas, for example, the Canon Optura 100MC has a 43 mm filter diameter. I equate this with light-gathering ability, and therefore image quality. Am I right or am I wrong about this?

    Although I'm sure anyone serious about still photos would use a still-specific camera, the Canon seems to have a slightly higher resolution CCD and therefore produces slightly better stills. Is this worth thinking about?

    Also, the Sony uses the proprietary memory stick whereas the Canon uses the more open MMC/SDMC cards. For me that's a bit of an issue, since I don't want to be stuck with Sony products, but again it is only related to still photos.

    The viewfinder on the Canon sticks out a lot more than on the Sony. This seems like a hazard for line snags, etc., and also just a hassle. I haven't been able to have a look at one first-hand, so I don't know if there's anything I can do about this. Does anyone have experience with the Canon?

    I've looked at JVC's as well, but quite honestly my major reason for considering Canon is that they manufacture optical equipment as a primary source of their business whereas, for example, Sony seems mostly to make electronics.

    Anyway, if anyone has experience with the Canon cameras, I'd like to hear it. I'm curious about their image stabilization, as well. Thanks!


  2. #2

    RE: Digital video cameras

    Yo Man!!!

    I jump a PC110 (sony) for skydiving and I love the camera. I don't take stills with it...rather I "capture" stills after the face right off the miniDV tape, onto the memory stick. I'm not even sure if I could get remote switch to fire the still if I wanted to. I do like the way I can also capture mpegs onto the mem. stick also.(if you post your email I'll send you a recent base mpeg and stills so you can take a look for yourself) I don't know a whole lot about video/still cameras anyway, but my .02 is that the sony lens is higher quality than the cannons and therefore produce better quality images. The image stabilazation on mine is great and only slightly blurrs on really hard slider down openings....or on thumps with the belly mount! I don't do as much BASE video as most of my jumps are at night in really dark and creepy places so the majority of my use with this camera is in skydiving.

    As far as the diameter...mine is a 37mm which means for me I haven't had to use any step ups for my wide angles, as far as a wider being able to gather more light, makes sense in theory, and could be an advantage for night BASE. I'm sorry my comments are not more technical oriented, I'm just a rookie with a camera but the quality of my video is HANDS DOWN better than any cannon or JVC or "smaller sony's" on the DZ and...of course my base buds don't all have cameras because they prefer not to have evidence!Hope this helps.

  3. #3

    RE: Digital video cameras

    >I don't do as much BASE video as
    >most of my jumps are at night in really dark and
    >creepy places so the majority of my use with
    >this camera is in skydiving.
    ...speaking of "dark and creepy places", how's your arm?...that razor wire's a mother f##@er ain't it?...;-) ...Vic

  4. #4

    RE: Digital video cameras


    I just boought the Sony pc-120, and it s an amazibg camera. The quality of the Pictures are surprizing...if u wanne see one just mail me and i will send you one...


  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    Perigee Pro

    RE: Digital video cameras

    Blair & Steve -

    I'd like to see what your cameras are producing. My e-mail is

    I noticed the PC-120 is a pretty big step forward in still resolution compared with the PC-110, but the website said "coming soon" so I assumed it wasn't yet available.

    Are there any technical photographers out there who can tell me if filter diameter is indicative of light-gathering ability? I know for telescopes and such a larger aperture is better, but I'm not sure if there's another bottleneck in digital video cameras which would cancel the advantage of a larger filter diameter.

    Also, can anyone else comment on the quality of Canon optics versus Carl Zeiss? Thanks!


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