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Thread: Jumps in South Africa???

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  1. #1
    Huckin Idiot

    Jumps in South Africa???

    I'm leaving for Soth Africa in a couple days. Would love to find something to chuck myself off of over there. I did a search and found a number for a guy named Shaun. Anyone know him or have any other info or contacts for me? Thanks a lot. You can reach me at:

  2. #2

    RE: Jumps in South Africa???

    Try Jeb Corliss of Ripleys fame.

    His waterfall strike was in S.A. and he had a South African Buddy with him.

  3. #3
    Huckin Idiot

    RE: Jumps in South Africa???

    Thanks for all the help you guys! That was incredibly fast and easy! This board kicks ass!

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