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Thread: FoolPix at Kuala Lumpur

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  1. #1

  2. #2

    RE: FoolPix at Kuala Lumpur

    What is the "LAW" regaurding selling photos?

    If the photographer sells them, they do not need the permission of the jumper?

    These photos are ALL for sale obviously.
    Did anyone give permission to them to sell the photos?

    [font color=#9999FF]
    Thank You
    Mick Knutson :D
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  3. #3

    RE: FoolPix at Kuala Lumpur

    Do Paparazzi need to ask permission to photograph celebrities? I don't think so. If you are in a public place, your image is fair game. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy. Unless the photographer was bound by contract, of course.

    The light energy bouncing off you to the camera lens is not intellectual property, not protected by copyright, and not trademarked.

  4. #4

    RE: FoolPix at Kuala Lumpur

    If each jumper in KL signed a release to the photographer, the photographer might forget that the person who signs the release has legal rights as well. It goes both ways according to at least two cases with which I am knowledgable.
    For instance if the jumper tries to sell his photo after having gotten it from the photographer and after signing a release he can be liable; but if he gives it away with no recompense more often than not the phographer has no case.
    If, on the other hand, the jumper signs a release and the photographer does not obtain permission from the jumper to publish it the photographer would in most cases have violated the law of privacy, whether a release was signed by the jumper or not.
    Take a look at photos in our skydiving magazines or in other magazines and you will from time to time see photos published concerning which the photographer did not obtain signed permission in writing to sell. In most cases the jumper would not mind, but sometimes the jumper would care, particularly if the photographer sold it for a good price and the subject got nothing. Take a Mountain Dew comercial for instance: did the jumper get paid as well as the photographer even though a release was signed?
    Probably not and the photographer pulled off a slick one.

  5. #5

    RE: FoolPix at Kuala Lumpur

    A Mountain Dew commercial is not a good example to make your point. The jumpers made bank. ;-)

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