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Thread: Snow in Idaho

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Snow in Idaho

    OK. I'm choosing to believe in the weather forecast and heading out to Idaho from WA tomorrow AM. Only problem is that I forgot the relevant phone #s (Burt, Sheriff), which I may need in the event I'm the only person in Twin Falls. Could some kind soul either post em or email em to me? Thanks

  2. #2


    Don: (208) 934-8245
    Burt: (208) 734-4228
    Police: (208) 735-7200

    I believe that there is at least one other jumper (some big wall guru from Texas) in town this week.

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #3

    RE: Snow in Idaho

    The number I used over Memorial Day weekend to call was (208) 735-1911. I think it's a dispatch number. I was always greeted with a friendly voice telling me to have fun and let them know when we were finished.
    I have (208) 734 4228 for the boat guys.
    Have Fun!
    Dave O

  4. #4

    RE: Snow in Idaho

    I believe the 735-1911 number is the "911" for the rural area of the county (believe it or not, some places--like the one I grew up, don't have 911 service yet).

    I guess either number works, though.

  5. #5

    RE: Snow in Idaho

    Hey Gork, forget going to Idaho and come up to Seattle. I plan on flicking an "A" and an "S" this week. Call me at work 360-568-7703.

  6. #6

    RE: Snow in Idaho

    Aw, and I thought I was gonna be the only one in Idaho! Hey on da way... C-Ya there! :-)


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