I hereby declare today (whatever day you read this post) to be Mick Knutson Appreciation Day.
Mick puts in insane amounts of time, money and energy to make this web site successful.
We all benefit from his huge amounts of work. This web site is an invaluable resource for learning about gear, meeting other jumpers, and finding out about sites. It is also highly entertaining as a place to boast of your achievements, roast your friends, or read tirades by the various colorful characters of our community.
In appreciation of Mick's (often unrewarded) effort on our behalf, I encourage everyone to do one (or more) of the following things:
1) Post to this thread expressing your appreciation.
2) Send Mick an email (mknutson@baselogic.com) telling him personally how much you appreciate his work.
3) Order something from the BLiNC store.
4) Order something from one of the advertisers on BLiNC, and let them know (when you order) that you appreciate their supporting this resource for the community.
5) Thank Mick in person when you see him in Idaho this weekend.
Thanks Mick!
--Tom Aiello