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Thread: advice to new base jumpers

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  1. #1

    advice to new base jumpers

    This is advise to new base jumpers from another new base jumper.

    NEVER rent an apartment with just a shower, there will come a time when you can't use that shower.

    And, NEVER, EVER, when in Mexico, ask the hypothetical question, "Is it possible to have my male sex organs removed with minimal pain and still be able to urinate?" Hey, take it from me, the bitches don't believe you, and even if they say they do and will understand, they still run screaming from the room [I even had one doctor leave for about 5 minutes, but she did return].

    Anyway, even if you be as careful as you think you can, at some point you will be taking baths instead of showers!!!


  2. #2

    RE: advice to new base jumpers

    >NEVER rent an apartment with just a
    >shower, there will come a time when
    >you can't use that shower.

    My recent experience with this exact problem made your post one of the funniest things I've read in quite a while.

    I'm still laughing.

  3. #3

    RE: advice to new base jumpers

    Yes, and never rent an apt. on the 2nd or 3rd floor with no elevator, hopefully a short walk to your car and a bath tub and a living room big enough to pack in.

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