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Thread: We Play Underneath the Radar . . .

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    We Play Underneath the Radar . . .


    Thought of you tonight as I motored "Julia Bell," my sailboat, a Catalina 27, under the Coronado Bridge just now.

    Full moon too . . .

    Ah, San Diego, Symphony Towers, 1981, bagging the sixteenth floor, "It's going to 34, but why wait?"

    What a skyline, another night, another jump.

    What a cukoo world . .

    Mike Allen's Deathiversary soon . . .

    Write Back, Won't You?
    BASE 194

  2. #2

    RE: We Play Underneath the Radar . . .

    Wow...That's a nice posting.

    As a relatively new participant in this activity it would seem that this board can bring more conflicting opinions than expressions, although both seem to be somwhat integral at times.

    All in all, thanks for sharing some of the more picturesque details of your experience. It totally made my day and brought me a certain peace, as if I were there! Ah yes, all in the exploitation of my own imagination.

    C-Ya :7

  3. #3

    RE: We Play Underneath the Radar . . .

    Better get used to it, Cygnus... Nick's an old hand at that poignant penetrating stuff and I'm glad he's back (at least until he dumps his laptop off the boat).


  4. #4

    RE: We Play Underneath the Radar . . .

    Hey Nick, long time no see. Miss your insight on the BB. Take care bro, Mark

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