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Thread: To the Felix Fan-the-flames Club (take 2)

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  1. #1

    To the Felix Fan-the-flames Club (take 2)

    To all you people whining and sniveling and bitching and moaning about Felix: GET A LIFE.
    Felix has accomplished some great things in his BASE career, and I would take him and his 98 BASE jumps ANY day over a good number of you whiners with 300+ from the same bridge.

    Methinks I smell more jealously and sanctimonious self-righteousness than any legitimate complaint about anything he does. As Tracy's query demonstrated so clearly, not one of you whiners has a clue about the actual truth of any of Mr. Baumgartner's alleged sins, and so far NOT ONE of you has come up with a single site he has burned.

    Granted, he's aggravated some locals by taking the media stage in their back yard when he could have handed off to them (I told him he should act like the DEA when they make a big bust; push the local yokels front and center so THEY can bask in the glory... makes for better relations), but I have yet to see any evidence that Felix has done anything fundamentally evil or unsound.

    One thing he absolutely does NOT do, for example, is badmouth people he's never met, or spread unsubstantiated rumors about them, or in any way, shape or form attack, demean and/or denigrate any of his fellow BASE jumpers.

    On the other hand, Mr. Aiello, while I applaud you for having the courage to at least sign your name to your screed, it doesn't make that screed any more legitimate. I don't recall Felix being anywhere close to winning the honor of the first person to bounce at Perrine because he checked his good judgment in at look-at-my-hum-job counter. Really, sir, it is in extremely poor taste for you to go on and on -- and ON -- about Felix when you totally abused and almost burned Perrine by burning in there. Granted, you have a lot of time on your hands as you heal, and no doubt your judgment is somewhat affected by your meds, but in the future, I'd encourage you to shut up about Felix until you get your own house and body in order.

    As for the rest of you whiners, tell me which one of you wouldn't give your BASE number and eye teeth for the paid gig Felix has going.

    You twits also remind me of the environmentalist goofballs who objected to the "direct action" approach wielded by Greenpeace when it began in the early 1970s. After one particularly tense confrontation with Russian whalers, who fired a 120-pound explosive harpoon head right over the heads of some Greenpeacers in a Zodiac, some whining San Francisco tree-hugger said, "I want to save the whales, just not THAT way." (Of course, "that way" was monumentally successful: Whereas the Russians were killing whales less than 150 miles from San Francisco the first year of Greenpeace's direct action, they were completely, totally GONE from the ENTIRE PACIFIC OCEAN three years later. Game, set, match, Greenpeace.

    What Felix did with his Petronas and -- especially -- his Jesus jump was to create powerful, lasting images that will outlive every one of you whiners.

    What Felix does is showcase his images on worldwide television -- as opposed to you whiners, who just strut your stuff to friends and family and Real TV.

    You share Mr. Baumgartner's mentality, in other words; he just does it on a grander and more profitable scale... which, as I said at this missive's start, is the root cause of all your whining and holier-than-thou posturing: pure, unadulterated, unflattering, unbecoming jealousy and envy.

    But keep whining if you want. It's a free country, and at least you're not as tedious to listen to as the Bore-Whinerman ticket.


    Robin Heid

  2. #2
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Reply to Shauns lost post

    I will try to get the points across of Shaunīs (SA)lost post, this was the gist of it.
    " Felix is a wanker because he burned one site and bad mouthed a local (on the board)."

    Though Felix irritated me and the SA locals by not getting in contact with them, The building had never been jumped by the locals or anyone else. This doesnīt qualify as a burn. The bad mouthing part was a response to a bad mouthing post. The original sin he committed apparently was Turf related (territoriality), and then it digressed retroactively to siteburning some months later after a publicized lowpull skydive.
    Shaun, The SA locals were/are miffed about his trespassing their turf without their permission. This is not site burning. Keep the miffs in the original direction of Turf Infringement, as this is a valid topic and needs to be addressed.
    You guys have a reason to be miffed, but it ainīt about burning sites.
    How are you doing Shaun? Let me know, shoot me an E.

    And for the rest of those onboard The Felix Siteburning Flame Train, Do a little research to backup or negate your accusations. The dilemma here is the synchronicity of factless personal vendettas, members of the NPS persecuting BASErs/members of BASE persecuting Felix. It seems that there is a communal resource for injustice available....
    So far, the facts do not support the accusation that Felix is a Siteburner.
    Give up the facts or get off the train.

  3. #3

    To the Tom Fan-the-flames Club

    >I don't recall Felix being
    >anywhere close to winning the honor of the
    >first person to bounce at Perrine because
    >he checked his good judgment in at
    >look-at-my-hum-job counter. Really, sir, it
    >is in extremely poor taste for you to go on
    >and on -- and ON -- about Felix when you
    >totally abused and almost burned Perrine by
    >burning in there.

    Hey Robin,

    Maybe you should get the "actual truth of any of Mr. {Aiellos} alleged sins" before you join the "{Tom Aiello} Fan-the-flames club". You wouldnt want to appear hypocritical in your statements...

    In my personal view Tom is not without blame for the Perrine incident, but in reading your post it seems that you have been slightly mislead in regards to the exact details.

    "And for the rest of those onboard The {Tom} Siteburning Flame Train, Do a little research to backup or negate your accusations. The dilemma here is the synchronicity of factless personal vendettas, members of the NPS persecuting BASErs/members of BASE persecuting {Tom}. It seems that there is a communal resource for injustice available...."

    Dwain Weston

  4. #4

    RE: To the Tom Fan-the-flames Club

    I have to agree with Dwain on this one Robin.

    Understanding though that getting ones facts muddled up with silly things like the truth.....makes for boring rhetoric.

    cheers Nik

  5. #5

    Dwain and Nik

    So Mr. Aiello DIDN'T use poor judgment by humming it at Perrine?

    So Mr. Aiello DIDN'T almost bounce at Perrine?

    So Mr. Aiello's poor judgment DIDN'T almost cause the first fatal blemish on an exemplary 10-year-old, unregulated safety record?

    So Mr. Aiello DIDN'T trash Felix on the Board for things he knows nothing about?

    You two make allusions and insinuations but, as Tracy pointed out to the whiners flaming Felix, no actual facts were provided to support those allusions and insinuations.

    If you have some facts to offer, state them. Otherwise, go do something you're better at than debating -- like BASE jumping.



  6. #6

    Arguing the specifics

    [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-00 AT 06:09 PM (PST)[/font][p]Actually Robin I'm debating exactly the same point you are - that people should get full and accurate facts before publicly trashing somebody.
    While I agree with your argument, you did exactly the same thing to Tom that you were complaining he (and others) did to Felix.
    You made an assumption (perhaps based on hearsay and incorrect rumor) about WHY the incident at the Perrine occurred.

    Perhaps I misinterpreted your meaning but I understood that you were insinuating that Tom made a bad judgment call to elect to intentionally humm it and as a result was injured.

    It is true that Tom was intentionally humming it low at the Perrine prior to his accident and perhaps that represents bad judgment (based on his skill set, equipment and past experience). However the jump that resulted in the incident was NOT an intentional low pull (as many people assumed it to be).

    This I ask you to answer honestly Robin. Did you not ASSUME that Toms accident was based on him intentionally taking it low? And on that assumption did you not publicly criticize his judgment in regards to this incident?

    The low pull resulted from a loss of height awareness. It was not due to a conscious "decision reached" (the Encarta definition of judgment).
    In skydiving when someone looses height awareness, goes low and becomes injured it is not often referred to as a bad judgment call (whereas an intentional low pull often is).

    I don't have a problem with you criticizing Tom, but I don't believe it's fair to use that particular incident in the manor in which you used it.

    However, we are just arguing the specifics. In essence we agree on the same points.


    P.S. Tonight I think Ill reach a conscious decision about when I should deploy on that nice 159 bridge near Niks house... one rotation or two? If anyone has skill sets and experience in this area then I welcome your criticism about my possible lack of judgment ;-) (shut up Nik).

  7. #7

    RE: Arguing the specifics

    Dwain darling:

    There are probably about five BASE jumpers in the world (and you're one of them) who would not say Mr. Aiello didn't ALSO hum it on his accident jump. Sure, it was higher than his deliberate hum jobs, but he was still closer to the Hum side of the envelope than the Ho-hum side. Period.

    Besides that, nothing I wrote assumed anything about Tom's accident except that he hummed it and ended up almost bouncing because of it, which would have turned up the heat on America's premier legal site.

    Finally, your semantic gyrations about his low pull being a "loss of height awareness" rather than a "(bad) decision reached" simply confirms and reinforces my original point: Mr. Aiello not only hummed it but hummed it while clueless -- thus demonstrating the ultimate bad judgment.

    So I say again, he should get his own house and body in order before he starts bagging on others about things he knows nothing about.



    P.S. As for your 159-foot bridge, you confirm and reinforce what I said at the top of this post... :)

  8. #8

    RE: Dwain and Nik

    >So Mr. Aiello's poor judgment DIDN'T almost
    >cause the first fatal blemish on an
    >exemplary 10-year-old, unregulated safety

    Alas poor Robin I knew him well......

    Unfortunately Robin, Tom doesn't hold the title for being the first BASE jumper at said object to make an honest mistake, open low and have the opportunity to take a helicopter ride back to Boise.....again please try to not to muddle the truth with your facts....

    Hugs and kisses

    The Debate Boys

  9. #9

    RE: Dwain and Nik


    Why don't you get you're head out of Dwain's ass? Just because you've taken him hostage doesn't make you one of the "boys".

    P.S. You can't honestly believe Tom didn't humm it. I was there one of the weekends he was and he hummed it EVERY time. Let me get this straight. This ONE jump was "loss of height awareness". Sounds like the "blow smoke up Tom's ass club".

  10. #10

    RE: Dwain and Nik

    Hey, Hey, Hey! Watch your mouth!

    They are the #1 & #2 BASE jumpers in the world! They go together like a ;) and a :).

  11. #11

    Reading comprehension lesson

    [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-00 AT 11:05 PM (PST)[/font][p]Nik,

    Nanette and maybe others I don't know about ALSO came close to becoming the first fatal blemish on the Perrine record. But they didn't and neither did Mr. Aiello. Nothing in my writing even remotely suggested that Mr. Aiello was the only one to almost be the first bounce.

    I know you're a hotshot BASE jumper and all, but learn to read a little better before you tangle with me again, kid.



  12. #12

    RE: To the Felix Fan-the-flames Club (take 2)

    Jesus you guys. In the end, we're all going to be dead anyway and all of this shite will mean nothing.

    Regardless of the arena, be it BASE, skydiving, mountaineering, work, or just LIFE (the gnarliest sport of all), navigating the complexities of human interaction and cohabitation on this small freakin planet is never going to be a simple task. Basic human nature and sociological influences/morays dictate that individually and as a group, we must collectively defend our "lot in life" and scrutinize and evaluate those who are different from ourselves.

    But keep in mind and never forget that each and every one of us will at some point inevitably and invariably we exposed and vulnerable to some form of criticism and/or judgment. It's easy for us all to sit back and armchair someone else's decision-making processes and/or value system; the significantly more challenging route is to take a moment to put ourselves in others' shoes. People are motivated and moved by different things and each of us chooses our own path and NONE of us is immune from stumbling now and again - I'm sure that we'd all enjoy and appreciate a little slack when it's our turn in the barrel. We might not all agree on what's right or wrong, harmless or damaging, but we should live and let live - what's important is to be honest and fair, courageous and compassionate. It all eventually comes back around.

    So quit yer squabbling and let's go fuckin jump already...

  13. #13

    RE: To the Felix Fan-the-flames Club (take 2)

    That's right. It all eventually comes back around. Good thing Portland has you to cheer them on.

  14. #14

    You go girl!

    Karin darling,

    We're not squabbling. We're having some fun.

    (It's a guy thing... :) )

    But thank you for reiterating, in more elegant and philosophically complete language, the principal premise of my post.



  15. #15

    RE: To the Felix Fan-the-flames Club (take 2)

    Is this Karin from Passion 8?

    Or Dwain's woman?

    If it's Karin from Passion 8, email me at . I've been lookin' for you.

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