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Thread: SEEYA

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1



    Just wanted to thank everyone who came out last Sat. morning to Mineral Canyon in Moab for the memorial. I wasn't ready to feel some of the things I encountered there, but I think it was just what the doctor ordered for many of us....I will miss them both.

    Uncanny of Clint and Earl to crash at the base of a beautiful new wall that we all broke-in together. I think Jimmy is putting the topo up at the packing area of the Candy Store, for people to see where's what and all dat.

    Wanted to get as many email add's as I could before I left, but lost time cleaning up the aftermath of the Watermelon party. If you guys read this, chime in and give me your email add's. Gardner...Utah boys...Atlanta Mark...Wayne...TJ...everyone else...where you guys at?


    Nick in CO

  2. #2


    Hi Nick-

    I enjoyed meeting you over the weekend. Though I obviously didn't know Clint as well as you guys, I did really enjoy the little bit of time I did spend with him, and it was enough to appreciate how special of a person he was.

    I was honored to be able to be a part of such a nice memorial activity. I was really overwhelmed at times sitting up on that cliff, listenng to all that was said about those two spectacular people. And getting to meet and spend a little bit of time with Sandy was really special too.

    Thanks for you help in making it happen.

    Hope to see you again soon!


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