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Thread: Canopy Weight

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Canopy Weight

    I would like some imput on how much does canopy weight effect deployment speed. Example: A 300ft. jump. One jumper has a 205sq.ft. canopy the other a 285. Both jumpers have 48" ZP pilotchutes. Obviously the 205 will be pulled out of the container faster because its around 3 pounds lighter than the 285. How much longer will the 285 take to deploy? Are we talking fractions of a second? This may be a dumb question but my 200lb., 285 jumping butt would like to know.


    P.S. Thanks to all who gave their imput on slider control. I had a great Bridge Day!!

  2. #2

    RE: Canopy Weight

    Thats a question that I used to ask and wonder about myself and would usually ask it when I was nervous about a jump and the altitude of the jump. Honestly, you should have enough jumps on your gear so that you feel confortable about the altitude that you are jumping. It also depends on what canopys you two are jumping. For instance, my 280 Mojo opens quicker & faster than my raven 4 and are supposidly the same size but the Mojo weighs more.
    That's all I got to say.
    Have fun and be safe

  3. #3

    RE: Canopy Weight

    I jump a 245 and a 285 on a regular basis and have noticed I am open higher and get significantly more fully pressurized canopy time on the 285 than on the 245. So it may come out slower but it seems to be flying quicker....This is very noticeable on the lower freefalls (sub 200s).The 285 is in a prism and the 245 in a reactor with both having multis and neither having vtec (yet). I weigh 80kg.

  4. #4
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
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    RE: Canopy Weight

    Hi Dave O -

    Here's my two cents:

    *All* things being equal, the lighter canopy would extract faster. But as you've already eluded to, we're talking fractions here.

    I'm sure you already know this, but airfoil design and rigging plays a much larger role in determining overall opening speed.

    I've even noticed differences in opening times between two canopies of the same make and size...



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