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Thread: A request for info on Golondrinas

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    A request for info on Golondrinas

    I am planning a very low key trip to Mexico to visit Golondrinas. I wanted to talk to someone that has been there and the logistics of getting in and out (Especially without mechanical assistance). I specifically need to know if there are certain times of the year that you should not go and any unforeseen problems or issues that come up with the site. Grateful for any information.


  2. #2

    RE: A request for info on Golondrinas

    Hello Slim,

    Long time no see! The last we spoke was at Skydance many years ago. If your interested in information on the cave just email me direct at the address given. Myself and Randy Pacheco have organized 4 expeditions there so far and have made over 100 jumps into the cave. More trips are planned.


  3. #3

    RE: A request for info on Golondrinas


    The Basero wants to travel south for tequila, salsa dancing, and cross-dressing cave jumps!

    Mehico will never be the same...



    PS - I think I bored Bert and Don with all of my flat and stable jumps last weekend. Just wasn't the same without you there! Nonetheless, both Bery and Don say hi. C-ya mate!

  4. #4

    the hole

    Hello Slim,

    I was in the hole 2 days ago. Send me an e-mail with your phone number and I will give you a call when I get home on the 3rd.


  5. #5

    RE: A request for info on Golondrinas

    mark your trip sounds good but why can you only
    garantee 3 jumps for $3000 US and stay for 5days
    are you ever going to have a longer trip and not
    make a doco about it at least you offer more jumps than tom .

    P.S do you have righs to the cave or can others
    jump it and will you share any info to make it safer.

    bsbd feral

  6. #6

    RE: A request for info on Golondrinas

    The cave is a free and open site as are most BASE objects. We started jumping the cave when no one knew what it was. Now that we have made it look easy, everyone thinks they can just go and jump. Unfortunately the cave is a very fragil place as the locals now control it. It's these locals who dictate how many jumps (if any) are made into the cave.

    Our expedition offers benefits that most jumpers don't even think about. Like how do you get an injurred jumper out. We have that covered but it costs money to be ready. There have been a couple of expeditions to the cave outside of ours. The difference is that should one one of those people have gotten hurt, they could have easily died by the time anyone got them out. There are people willing to take that risk in order to save money.

    We offer an increadable BASE adventure package. To date, no one has left with less than a feeling of intense occomplishment and that the trip was worth it at twice the price. It's just not for everyone.

  7. #7

    RE: A request for info on Golondrinas

    As much as I like the idea of free jumps, everything has a price.
    Look at Norway. It costs money for petro for the car ride up and the boat ride back.
    I was at the last Cave trip and I thought that I would be able to get 3 or 4 jumps a day.
    There is more involved than you could imagine. You may be able to go down there and make a jump or two. But I can tell you what will happen:
    * You will work 200 times harder for each jump than with Mark.

    * You will have to pay the locals to make every jump just as Mark does.

    * If you piss off the locals, you will either get in deep Mexican #####, or ruin it for every other person in the world or both.

    This place is in the jungle. There is only their law. This is a very sensitive place.

    I got 4 jumps and 5 trips into this cave. I thought it was more than worth the money.


    Mick Knutson
    BLiNC Magazine

    "Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping, but didn't know who to ask."

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