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Thread: B wind.

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    B wind.

    I was on top of a new B with 10 mph wind and gusting higher in the corner where the building started blocking out the wind. In other words it was turbulent on one side of the corner and a head wind on the other. Landing area was in the clean air. If you had an off heading you'd fly into the turbulence for sure. I elected to walk down. Was this the right choice? Anyone had experience on buildings with similar wind?

  2. #2
    BASE 396

    RE: Was this the right choice?

    You didn't jump = you didn't get hurt
    You didn't get hurt = you may jump tomorrow
    Wait until the conditions are right = the right choice

  3. #3
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: B wind.

    >Was this the right choice?

    Definitely. I totally agree with BASE 396. Walking down is always the right choice.

    >Anyone had experience on buildings with similar wind?

    Yes. I once saw one of the world's best jumpers with the last two cells of his canopy rolled under, into his lines, after jumping from a building corner much like the one you decribe. He was able to regain control and land safely--but he is one of the world's best jumpers. I probably would have pounded into the parking lot and done an ankle or leg.

    --Tom Aiello

  4. #4

    RE: B wind.

    You #####!:*
    Don't make me come up there to show you how it's done...>(
    Wait...a new b? Hey! I wanna play... :+

  5. #5

    RE: B wind.

    Friggin tie off wit yure fanger and jump.....heheheheheh

    :* :* :* :* :* :*

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