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Thread: Doppler Radiation

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) pringles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Doppler Radiation

    One of the local "A's" reciently aquired a doppler radar ball. The news station has been hyping this thing up now saying that its somthing real special. We don't think its special since we don't know if we should be jumping there any more. This thing is finally up and running and tonight was the first chance anyone has gotten to go jump since they started this project. We have been staying away since they started because the workers have been staying there in a trailer with a nice dish tv set up. So back to my story. The guys went out there to jump tonight and the decided not to since there is a new sign saying all this stuff about doppler radar and burns on your skin and things of that nature. Now this is all second hand info since I wasn't there tonight, but these guys claim that it didn't read like most warning signs. Im wondering does anyone know about Doppler radar??? I was out there around 4 the other morning checking it out and this thing is like a miniture water tower right next to the "A" standing about 75-90'. I already searched the archives but didn't find anything. Any thoughts are welcome.

    Matt Davies
    Matt Davies

    "Do you want to see the whole thing or can I just pull out enough to win this contest?"

  2. #2

    RE: Doppler Radar

    I don't know much about doppler radar and corresponding output wattages, but if it were me, I'd find a new tower to jump from. I'd be willing to bet your frying gonads would show up as two large red dots on the 6pm weather radar..... :7

    Jason Bell (BASE428)
    Web: or

  3. #3
    Dapper Snapper

    The Ball

    We have a Dopplar ball about 20+ ft in Diameter on about an 80 ft. tower next to our big boy (about 150 ft away). I sometimes feel static electricity when I am beneath the ball and within about 20 feet of it's tower (this static feild could be caused by other equipment in the immediate area and I don't always feel it). But other than that, no problems. Even when I'm at the same hieght as the ball and about 80 ft. from it I don't feel anything. We've logged some serious hours at this site too. I'd guess it's not much worse than all the other gizmos out there as long as you don't try to climb it or get inside.


  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    Perigee Pro

    RE: The Ball

    Just a quick thought on the 80 ft thing... IIRC, if it is radiating evenly in all directions, the power decreases as the square of distance. So at 40 feet you'll feel 4 times the power that you would at 80 feet; at 20 feet 16 times; 10 feet 64 times; 5 feet 256 times the power, etc. Even though you might not feel it from 80 feet away, if you had to stand 5 feet from it, it might be a very different story.

    It's not such a drastic difference if the beam is focused in any way -- might not make much difference if you're 5 feet from it or 500 feet from it. I don't really know how these things work, but it's worth being careful if you have to get near it.


  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    RE: Doppler Radiation


    Just some stuff I found - didn't really have time to read all of it. Hope it helps.

    one-stop RF info (page of links):

    Q/A type article on Health effects of exposure to microwave radiation (lots of EH&S jargon):

    Directory of more articles on non-ionizing radiation from above site:

    FCC publication - _Questions and Answers on the Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields_:

    RF Protective Garments (I wonder how much they cost?):

    As long as you don't plan to procreate, I say fry your nuts and have fun.

    Noon uV THEES stoof Seamzto Heve Aflectid Meee theaux. &-)

    K. Gardner Sapp
    Executive Director
    The Alliance of Backcountry Parachutists, Inc.
    P.O. Box 38202
    Atlanta, Georgia 30334

  6. #6

    RE: Doppler Radiation

    I myself don a barbarian looking loin cloth made of lead and leather to help protect my lovelies. I look not unlike Conan while sporting it, with my ripped biceps and smooth, firm legs.

    Anyway I heard jumpers up there don't have much to worry about in the way of testicles.

    Oh, did I say that out loud?


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