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Thread: Bohn Body Armour

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  1. #1
    Crazy Larry

    Bohn Body Armour

    Was wondering if anyone had experience with the body armour at the web site below. You can pretty much cover your vitals (chest,shoulders,back,elbows,knees and thighs) with kevlar and high density polyurethane foam for under 500 dollars. It might not do much in a 500 foot fall, but bouncing into cliff a few times might be easier to do??

  2. #2
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Bohn Body Armour

    I own both the Bohn and Dainese body armor. I far prefer the Dainese.

    The Bohn body armor doesn't have hard covering over the foam padding, making it less effective against penetrating trauma (sharp, hard corners). The Dainese has a hard plastic covering, so it is much more effective against these kinds of impacts.

    I have found the Bohn is very good for situations where you have to sneak your armor into a site (i.e. open buildings), as it is quite low profile, and can be concealed moderately well under clothing. The Dainese is bulkier, making concealment much more difficult.

    If I could only have one set, I'd get the Dainese. If I had the cash to blow on an extra set, the Bohn would be good for some specialized uses.

    For details on the Dainese armor, see:

    --Tom Aiello

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