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Thread: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

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  1. #1

    The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    On the recommendation of my mentor I've started to write down my first BASE jumps. It's a good idea, it lets me relive them again in my head and it'll give me something to look back on in years to come and laugh at how scared I was .

    So I thought I'd put them online. I know there are alot of interested skydivers who read this forum and maybe it can give people a little insight in to what it's actually like. I'm not a great writer so forgive me if it comes across as a bit hokey or melodramatic, I don't mean it like that.

    As a wise man once said to me, "It's not the same without the fast edits and banging soundtrack".

    You can read what I've written here (


  2. #2

    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    I've been a bit slack with logging my jumps recently, but for anyone that's interested I've updated my BASE diary.


  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) QuickDraw's Avatar
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    Question Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    Couldn't help but notice that your 'missing' a certain letter there.

    Have you anything lined up ? or have you set yourself a target before you attempt it ?
    --- Hope you don't die. ---

  4. #4

    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    A few weeks ago I climbed down from an object of the type that I'm missing because the winds were all wrong. But the plan is to go back asap while it's still accessible, so watch this space.


  5. #5
    So there I was...
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    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    I've been reading through your jumps and all I can say is intense!!! What a great idea. I find myself getting sweaty palms, nervous twitches, and the occasional chill. I haven't made my first BASE jump, although I have jumped off some very high cliffs into water, but I can definitely relate to the experience from your descriptions.

  6. #6

    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    I read every journal entry. You write in a way that really carrries feeling. In the end I thought, "Wow... he sounds like me!"

    I've been reading a lot about BASE jumping lately. I believe it was in your journal that I read a passage where the jumper was rethinking his involvement due to concern for his family. This is really what keeps me from jumping. It would kill my mother if I died doing something so "senseless." She worries constantly about me riding a motorcycle, and to be honest, I feel guilty about it. But when I ride I feel more alive than almost any other time. I imagine this is what it's like to jump.

    Lastly, I'll mention that I saw the Corliss video several times before yours. I had a much more visceral reaction to yours. I could actually see the sweat on my hands after watching your adventures in Europe. It was so real. Standing on the bridge, watching the other guys go first, I can imagine it was nauseating having to wait your turn. I can imagine wanting to climb back over the rail and then finally making peace with myself and launching into open air.

    Are you at all religious?

  7. #7

    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    Standing on the bridge, watching the other guys go first, I can imagine it was nauseating having to wait your turn.
    Pretty much, yeah. I don't really like watching other people BASE jump!

    Are you at all religious?
    Not at all, no.


  8. #8

    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    I ask because BASE jumping means coming to a point where you say "my life may end now." You must either be at total peace with yourself or somehow block that significance entirely.

    As an athiest, one might feel that the end of one's life means the end of any existence. A religious person might feel that this life might end and a new one begins. It's just such a huge decision to make when one jumps. Somehow I thought that a religious person would have the will to jump faster than an athiest.

    But what do I know?

  9. #9

    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    Maybe this is something for a new topic?
    I have some thoughts about this but it is a bit difficult to put them into text right now. I'll think some more and post it later.

  10. #10

    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    Quote Originally Posted by LawSchoolBlues
    I ask because BASE jumping means coming to a point where you say "my life may end now." You must either be at total peace with yourself or somehow block that significance entirely.

    As an athiest, one might feel that the end of one's life means the end of any existence. A religious person might feel that this life might end and a new one begins. It's just such a huge decision to make when one jumps. Somehow I thought that a religious person would have the will to jump faster than an athiest.

    But what do I know?
    I am certainly not religious (I was brought up as a catholic) - I find that I am relaxed in the seconds before I leave an object (certainly not before that as I am S-hit scared and suffer from vertigo) - not from a belief of religion but a true acceptance of what I am about to do..(I accept that I may be about to die on the jump I am about to do - I find it keeps me focused on what is important) ...... I do believe there is a zone you fall into moments before you exit after making the informed choice that its ok to jump (certainly for me who has a fear of heights and finds the climb and kitting up part of the jump one of the most scary things I do in my life) - I just find the whole experience a very deep and personal one each and every time (its very personal to me) - not even God (or similar) can take this one from me!

    I truely scare the s-hit out of myself on each and every jump, I like to think this will keep me from being comfortable with what I do for fun........ but I am only scared right up to the moment the tense situation leaves me and I am comfortable and start my count........ 3-2-................

    its personal............ why bother trying to explain..........


    PS) being brought up a Catholic sometimes makes you bitter toward religion!

  11. #11

    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    I ask because BASE jumping means coming to a point where you say "my life may end now." You must either be at total peace with yourself or somehow block that significance entirely.
    I don't know. I am most certainly not at total peace with myself when I'm about to jump. But nor do I block that significance entirely. I think I have a low opinion of the significance of my own death. Not in a "nobody loves me" way because I know I have friends and family that do, but in a more "cosmic scale" way, if you see what I mean.


  12. #12

    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    Quote Originally Posted by Gus937
    I don't know. I am most certainly not at total peace with myself when I'm about to jump. But nor do I block that significance entirely. I think I have a low opinion of the significance of my own death. Not in a "nobody loves me" way because I know I have friends and family that do, but in a more "cosmic scale" way, if you see what I mean.

    I see what you mean by that. Still, this is your one shot. I guess that just makes you more careful in your jumps.

  13. #13

    Re: The diary of a newbie BASE jumper

    Quote Originally Posted by tfelber
    I've been reading through your jumps and all I can say is intense!!! What a great idea. I find myself getting sweaty palms, nervous twitches, and the occasional chill. I haven't made my first BASE jump, although I have jumped off some very high cliffs into water, but I can definitely relate to the experience from your descriptions.
    Me too i havent jumped eather but have bungy jumped and that nerviesness i 1/2 the fun and i dont like being scared

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