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Thread: Velcro containers

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  1. #1

    Velcro containers

    Hello guys.

    It seams that the website is not really there any more.
    Does anyone know what's the matter with gsl?

    Well, but it looks like I'll have to find alternatives for the "Vision".
    Unfortunately there aren't many reviews in the review-section, so I was wondering which containers you can recommend for a beginner.

    thank you


  2. #2
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Velcro containers

    I'm still getting a page at

    It's just the intro splash screen, but it's still there. I'm not sure where the product info has gone to.

    Have you tried just calling Dennis and asking?

    Email me if you need the phone number.

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #3
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Velcro containers

    >...alternatives for the "Vision"...which containers you can recommend for a beginner.

    If you can't get a Vision, I'd recommend the Reactor 4 (loose fit) by Basic Research. Let me know if you want detailed reasoning, and I'll post a (longer) follow-up.

    --Tom Aiello

  4. #4

    RE: Velcro containers

    Jea, sure I'd be interested in a detailed reasoning why "reactor 4" and also in what you (and others) think about the leadingedge "slipstream" container.

    btw, it seems the "reactor 4" costs $765 while "vision", "slipstream", "medusa" etc. are somewhere between $500 and $600. Is it really that much better to justify more the more than 25% higher price?
    Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your advice, I was just wondering about this big difference.



  5. #5
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Velcro containers

    >leadingedge "slipstream" container.

    Is Lee back up and manufacturing? Last I head he had shut down (something about losing access to his sewing machines).

    --Tom Aiello

  6. #6

    RE: Velcro containers

    I can't get anything on the Gravity Sports web site either. What happened to Dennis? Everybody needs a Vision! I have a Vision, Reactor 4, and a Vertex. Tom is right, the Vision is the easiest to pack. I like the open corners at the botton of the container. I also have no complaints about my Reactor 4 (loose fit). These are the only two velcro containers that I have ever jumped so I can't speak for any of the others. I had no reason to look else where.

  7. #7
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Velcro containers

    >it seems the "reactor 4" costs $765 while "vision",
    >"slipstream", "medusa" etc. are somewhere between $500 and
    >$600. Is it really that much better to justify more the more
    >than 25% higher price?

    I may be totally wrong, but I believe the difference you are seeing is that Basic Research only sells "complete" rigs (i.e. with risers, bridle, etc--I'm not sure exactly what all the "etc" is). You're probably looking at "rig only" costs for the others, and "complete" costs for BR. For example, the Medusa "complete" costs $690, where the Reactor 4 "complete" costs $765 (or something like that).

    That said, BR does appear to be the priciest of the manufacturers. However, their market position, as well as their reputation, marketing, etc, have probably led them to believe that they can demand a premium for their gear. If you don't like the higher prices, I'm sure that in standard market based behavior, you will buy elsewhere.

    Personally, I like my BR gear, and I'm not cost sensitive enough that the difference (something like 10%) is really that much of a deciding factor to me. I do, on the other hand, think it sucks that BR won't sell just a rig, and let me use the risers I already have (or got from someone else). That's just their marketing decision, I guess.

    Now, if you live in California, you may find that Morpheus or Vertigo is a real deal, because, in addition to the 10% or so lower price, you save the state sales tax, and between those two things, you really are looking at close to 20% (you might want to call BR and see if they can ship to an out of state address for you, though).

    --Tom Aiello

  8. #8
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Velcro containers

    >"reactor 4"

    What I like about the Reactor 4:

    1) loose fit is easy to pack, and minimizes pack job distortion

    2) tuck flap: all good, no downside, why not have one?

    3) years of design revisions leading to this model (the only other designs with as much real world feedback are the Vision and Perigee--and I personally think that BR has been far more responsive to the feedback from customers)

    4) product testing was really top flight--BR is the only manufacturer I know of that gives out "beta-test" gear to people who are making hundreds of jumps a year (among them my top pick for world's best BASE jumper), and really takes their feedback to heart

    >leadingedge "slipstream" container.

    If Lee is back up and running, I'd say:

    1) amazing delivery time (when he was running, he had delivery times as low as a week)

    2) quality construction

    3) absolutely the best web site pictures in the industry

    4) very competitive prices

    I don't really see any negatives, but I've never jumped one of Lee's rigs (I have seen them, and they looked good to me, but I haven't actually owned and used one).

    --Tom Aiello

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