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Thread: Experimenting with packing

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    Experimenting with packing

    When I first started base jumping I started out with an old Raven 2. I learned how to pack from the older jumpers in the area. The kind of guys that say if it isn't broke don't fix it. Anyway when I got my first Mojo a couple of years ago I never read any of the packing info. (Since I was comfortable with my pack job.) The more I read and learn about the sport now, the more I want to experiment.
    As for the Differential stow associated with the primary locking stow, suggested by consolidated rigging are there many people doing this? I ask because I have been stowing all of my lines into this rubber band and placing it under the tail pocket. Is this stow useless unless you are using it as a differential stow? Can you use this along with a tailgate? And as for Tailgates how are most people configuring them? And are there any line groupings associated with the tailgate that could be hazardous? (ie. Could you put to many c lines in the tailgate?)

    Thanks for any input...

  2. #2

    RE: Experimenting with packing

    Hi "Just Curious"!
    Don't experiment!!! Stick to manufacturer's instructions (written and/or video), even if you feel confident in your pack job, don't try to invent anything!!! What the manufacturers has established and tested for your rig is the best possible solution available, with only very few minor personal variations/modifications!
    I don't have a statistics about the usage of differential stow (at least here in the old continent...), I don't think it is very common. What I understood is that Differential Stow was a technique developed by C.R. BEFORE Tail Gate went in use, D.S. controls and delays the opening of the rear part of the canopy because the stow under the Tail Pocket contains only Cs, Ds and control lines, but that sort of control ends at line stretch.
    What I understood also is that now every Mojo comes standard equipped "Tail Gate ready". I think Tail Gate is used, when we are talking about no slider configuration, by 90% of BASE jumpers. I don't think anybody has every tried to mix D.S. AND T.G.!!!! Don't try it at home!!! Don't mix different techniques/devices from different manufacturers!!!
    I think the wisest way of using T.G. is to use it and then proceed with normal stow (that is, all the lines into the stow under the Tail Pocket). In case of no slider configuration, the stow has two purposes: 1) to delay a little bit the opening; 2) to prevent line dump (lines coming off the T.P. all at once, dangerous issue that could take to a very violent opening (open canopy before line stretch, very dangerous!!!)).
    Configuration of T.G.: what I understood to be the most common configuration is to put 12 lines into the T.G. (central C's and D's and control lines). For sure less common is to put into the T.G. 16 lines (the 2 central C's, the 6 central D's and the control lines), solution not any more adviced by B.R. in their web site. What could lead to push towards the choice of having 12 lines closed into the T.G. could be that in case of T.G. hang up (very rare if not impossible if you use proper built T.G.'s and you often inspect the T.G. itself and the lines) or excessive delay in selfreleasing of T.G., with 12 lines you have at least something that resembles an open canopy which flies better than a "hang up" 16 lines configuration with nearly half a canopy constrained...
    DO NOT EXPERIMENT WITH T.G.!!! Use the 12 lines configuration (or the 16 lines configuration), nothing different!!! While "looking for" the lines to insert into the T.G., start from your rear risers, and in case of 12 lines config, pick up between your thumb and pointer finger the innermost lines (C-D lines) at your rear risers and between your pointer finger and middle finger the control lines (L in left hand and R in right hand), now you have 2 lines per hand, come up towards the canopy and approaching the canopy the 2 C-D lines become 2 C's and 2 D's and the control lines become 4 per line (total 8 control lines), and doing this get rid of all the other lines that could come/be in the way, no other line must remain within the group of lines you have in your hands: at this point, close these 12 lines into the T.G. taking care that you close the C line (that has got the cat's-eye holding the T.G.) WITHIN the T.G. itself, finally close the T.G. with 3 rubber band wraps (only 2 wraps are suggested if you are doing P.C.A. jump or Static Line jump). Doing the 16 lines configuration, behave accordingly.
    By the way, the line stow of all lines to be placed under the Tail Pocket in case of slider up configuration is a way of indirect control of the slider itself (slider cannot come down unless the lines has reach full stretch, the last piece of lines being the stow under the Tail Pocket).
    I hope this, "just curious", helps, my only advice being: Don't try to do experiments with T.G. or anything (unless you have 200 BASE jumps under your belt AND the advice of a BASE rigger)!!! Don't reinvent the sport and/or the equipment and/or the techniques!!! Stick to the well consolidated and practised devices/equipments/techniques, that has costed to all of us a lot of efforts and a lot of tears!!! Modern BASE gear works perfectly well if you know it well, if you are aware of how to configure it properly, if you pack it well and if you know how to use it well, AS IT IS, without experimenting!!!
    Let me know!!!
    Blue Skies

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