When I first started base jumping I started out with an old Raven 2. I learned how to pack from the older jumpers in the area. The kind of guys that say if it isn't broke don't fix it. Anyway when I got my first Mojo a couple of years ago I never read any of the packing info. (Since I was comfortable with my pack job.) The more I read and learn about the sport now, the more I want to experiment.
As for the Differential stow associated with the primary locking stow, suggested by consolidated rigging are there many people doing this? I ask because I have been stowing all of my lines into this rubber band and placing it under the tail pocket. Is this stow useless unless you are using it as a differential stow? Can you use this along with a tailgate? And as for Tailgates how are most people configuring them? And are there any line groupings associated with the tailgate that could be hazardous? (ie. Could you put to many c lines in the tailgate?)
Thanks for any input...